Chapter 11 : Honey

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At times like these people don't notice , where I am or what I am doing , hence, the easiest way to escape , is to escape unnoticed .

The funniest thing about this scenario is that Charming did not even notice me , well if that is Charming at least ...

Hiding within the shadows to go to something that I am not even sure is here .
Here is where to be exact...
If it was my heart , it would be empty as a ghost town .
Luckily for us all , it is the park .

Now , I have to wake up immensely slowly and softly.
I held my breath throughout the entire process , which lasted at least approximately one minute and that is with me constantly looking from left to right .

Within that one minute my heart was pounding , ten beats per a second... well damn I might as well go into cardiac arrest .

Anxiety levels are rising .

My breaths became more ragged .
All sorts of thoughts started going inside my head and worse , this was not even a big deal ...

I had slowly but surely crept behind everyone's backs , to the trees that create a eerily beautiful archway . From where that was I could see Charming perfectly but in order to reach him without being seen is a difficult mission , therefore, I had to go around the whole area .

From what I have gathered , this seems to be a tremendously long walk .
The ground is full with more grey stones than sand , which is why the ground of the pathway seems as if someone rolled out an enchanting grey carpet.

Enchanting enough , I felt as if I walked passed the same tree more than once because of that indentation on it .
Oh no...

I'm lost and it's terrible... Now , I'm gonna have a melt down
. Why me ?
I swear that I didn't deserve getting lost at all .
This is actually no surprise to me but I get lost quite often .
I have no sense of direction whatsoever.

Damn it !
I just checked my phone and I have 5 mb left ...
Before shit hits the fan , I messaged my mom saying that I found an old high school friend and I'm going to meet 'her' .

How do you get lost on a straight path... honestly , Lord have mercy on my soul .
Forget my soul , I hope that I get out of here alive ...

I kept walking for another five minutes , which felt like five years . All I had to do was just keep moving like a certain blue fish .
Oh look , I see light at the end or at least I think it's the end of the archway .

One would think that it is more of a beautifully designed tunnel , which in my opinion goes on forever and ever .

My love life didn't last that long... wait ...
I don't even have a love life to last that long .
All I do is read romance novels.
Who even does that nowadays ?
Apparently I do .



Even more walking.

That's it !
I Have No Idea What To Do Anymore!
That light officially disappeared , so I have no idea , what I'm following anymore ...

I had finally given up on finding this dude and decided to turn around and leave this ridiculous place .
I hope somebody finds me and saves me .

'Hey ' , said a voice .
Now I am hearing voices . I simply ignored it and kept on walking .

' Scarlett. ' , said the voice again , until I looked around and found that the voice actually belonged to someone ...

someone who I have being trying to get to this whole time . I told myself to act confused , so that nothing seems too obvious.

I turned around really slowly.

' Aimer ?!? ' , like I'd forget the who was hugging me in front of everyone in the mall ...

' What are you doing here ?' , asked Paris .

As if I'd given an honest answer .

' Oh , nothing really , I am here for a family gathering of sorts ...' , I answered.

'No , I'm mean here. ' , asked Paris again , can he not just deal with the fact that I avoided that question.

I was looking for you and I just happened to get lost.
I must be out of my mind to say that but luckily I didn't.

' I was bored , sooo I went for a little walk .' , I told him while biting my lips in attempt to stop myself from grinning like a Cheshire Cat .

' So you went for a walk alone and you basically walked around the same place seven times ?!?! ' , said Paris looking like he doesn't believe me .

'Yeah , boredom does that to people ' , I told him.

Hold The Phone!
How on earth did he know , how many times I walked around this place?!? When he said it , it was not as if he was guessing , but he was sure of it ...

In other words , he watched me walk around this ridiculous place , while I did not even know how many times I walked around.

' Well to me , you looked a bit lost ' , he said as he took two steps closer to me . Now we were at arms length away from each other.

' Looking lost and being lost are two very different things ...Charming. ' , I said while hoping that sounded smart .

He bit his lip and looked at me from head to toe .
There was something about his gaze that had my heart pounding and I cursed myself for it .

' Is that so ...?' , he asked with a seductive half smile .

' Uh huh ', I answered while biting my lips and nodding very slowly.
Then I did the most stupidest thing and took two steps closer .

' Do you know what is unfortunate about this situation. ' , he said . While I prayed that it was nothing about me lying.

' Uhhh... Nope ...' , I answered looking confused as I tilted my head to the right .

All Paris had taken was one step foward and now , we were chest to chest .

He bent a little in order to tell me something and I could feel his lips touching my ears .
My heart was beating extremely loud , that I'm sure the whole park heard it .

' Then why don't you loosen up my buttons babe ... I hate that you're doing nothing in front of me ~',said ... Paris .
His voice sounded oh so very deep and laced with sweet tantalizing honey .

But .

I .

Am .

So .

Dead .


How will Sarina react to this ?


Will she even react at all ?


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Love you lots ~♡

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