Chapter 12 : Mon trèsor

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Bird's of a feather flock together. So how do dead birds fly ?
How to injured birds get off the ground to fly away again ?

These questions pose a very significant argument to my situation , as I have no idea on how to respond to my dear prince Charming's little recital .

I just wished that confusion had washed over me at that moment , unfortunately I knew exactly what he meant .

Oh .

And he will get exactly what he asked for and fortunately for him , he wore a very fitting button up shirt .
I did not know that people wear button up shirts to the park .
Quite fitting for the situation , indeed .

Put yourself in my shoes and realize that you are unable to do anything to deny that idea .
Ideas are a essential part of life be it good or bad .
It brings about a motion and some how , it turns the wheel's of life and also brings about a new perspective on how we view life as a whole .

For someone who is not very out going , I do say a lot of risky things . They are more or less never supposed to leave my mind , yet they always find away to do so .

Then I have to deal with the repercussions and more than hundred percent of the time in situations , those repercussions seem quite rewarding in various ways .

What I had said to Paris , was indeed quite mind boggling .
Sometimes I wish that I could prepare for these things in advance but then again being spontaneous brings way more fun to the table .

At times I shock myself .
'At times' means ' most of the time ' and ' most of the time ' means ' all of the time '

As soon as I tilted my head to meet his eyes , our lips were a heartbeat away from each other .
I held his gaze , as my lips ever so slightly parted and I softly sighed .

His eyes never left mine as his gaze intensified into something that is unfamiliar to me , but yet it seems to burn with that same intense passion .

That's when I said it .
' I don't bite but it seems like you might , so let me feed your appetite ', I said above a seductive whisper.

At that moment , while his eyes were still glued to mine , my hands decided to work some magic.
Unknowingly to him , my hands mysteriously had the first top few buttons of his shirt undone .

His eyes widened a bit in realization and with a mixture of shock and excitement .
That was until he caught both of my wrists , cutting me off from doing any further damage , I would suppose . Then he held my wrists behind my back , with his one hand and whilst doing that , he pressed my body to his body , and which was a little bit rough causing me to gasp in surprise , it sounded like a breathy moan .

To say that Paris had a look of triumph on his face was a understatement.
I was almost plastered on to him and being that close to him , oddly enough did not make me feel uncomfortable, as I thought I would be .

His gaze dipped to my slightly parted lips , whilst trying to suppress a wicked grin which was quite noticeable.
My eyes becoming half-lidded , as I looked at him , while trying to suppress a desire that was eating and burning me alive.
It was almost as if someone set me on fire and , my breathing became more unsteady , ragged and breathy.

Aimer's cool and soft lips descended on my warm ones .
By the time I realized what was happening , I closed my eyes and was just about to kiss back , until he pulled away .
It was soft , sweet , gentle and cool in contrast to when he pulled me towards him .
It was almost as if he was saying that he could be gentle and rough at the same time .

Before I had anymore time to react , his lips were on my neck giving me feather light kisses .
It felt like absolute bliss as Paris had the ability to make my body feel so hot and cool me down at the same time with his lips.

' Wha-what ... are y-you doing ? ' , I asked Paris in between gasps , as I tried to keep a steady voice as well but instead it sounded ... somewhat needy in a way that do not wish to describe and nor does anyone need to hear it . Paris hummed in some sort of approval against my neck and going down to my exposed shoulder.

' What do you think I'm doing ? I'm simply
feeding my appetite ... Mon trèsor ... ' , said Paris quite coolly as if it were nothing but a passing by breeze .

As he said that ,I felt his cool breath against the crook of my neck , sending shivers down back as felt him lightly kiss me there and kept his lips lingering there for a little while .

Keeping my hands bound was not helping anything, as I tried to move my wrist out of his grasp .
This was proving a lot harder than it seems to be .

' Mon trèsor... ' , said Paris, catching my deviated attention .
I looked up suddenly noticing that Paris was looking directly at me. Before I opened my mouth to say something his lips came crashing onto mine .
As if a natural instinct , I closed my eyes and started to kiss back .
Our lips were moving in rhythm to each other.
Soon enough Paris had let go of my wrists and had placed both of his hands on my hips .

I soon wrapped my hands around his neck , in order to bring him closer to me and soon after I tangled my hands in his hair .

My heart was beating so fast and extremely loud , it was almost as if he was playing it to the beat .
Half way through the kiss , I moaned his name as I tugged on his hair a bit .

He grunted in respone and pulled me in for a more deeper and passionate kiss .
His right hand moved from my hip to the small of my back , whilst his thumb was moving in circular motion , which caused him to gain another soft and breathy moan from me .

Just as Paris was about to go another step further...

' Paris ...' , called out by the unfamiliar voice .

I froze for a second, probably turning red at some point. Paris's grip on me tightened for a second and then he let go of me extremely slowly , as we both turned to see the owner of this voice .
Who we saw definitely had my heart pounding but all for the wrong reasons , even though I had not seen this person before ...


Who is this person ?


Will this person be trouble in the near future for Paris or Sarina ?

The wheels have been set in motion and now it's time to find it's destination.


Hey guys I hope that you enjoyed this chapter  .
I hope you forgive the fact that I've been missing for a couple of weeks ...

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Love you lots ~♡

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