Things you need to know

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Things you need to know:
Mates- Two people who are bonded together. It is typically two but can sometimes be three or even four. The standard time for mates to meet is at age 18. To complete the mating bond they would have to have intercourse and would bite each other in the most sensitive part of their bodies. For most it's the area on the backs of their necks. This area is called a scent gland. A scent gland is where your pheromones scent will be produced. It is not always on the neck. In fact in some cases it is found on the wrists. 

Omegas are the lowest ranking faction of werewolves and are mainly composed of girls. Male omegas are the rarest, so when other wolves catch a male omegas scent they will come after them to try and "mate" with them.

Male omegas can have kids because they have both "parts".

Beta are second rank and make up most of the population. They are more human than wolves in terms of dominance and submission. Betas cannot get alphas or omegas pregnant. But two betas can give birth to an omega, although it has only happen on rare occasions.

Alphas are the leaders of the pack they handle all the packs business. They are stronger than beta and omega's. They aren't as common as betas but aren't as rare as omegas

There are beings called true blood alphas. They're the second most rare beings. True bloods are the offspring of two alphas. The reason for the rarity is because when two alphas mate they often fight for dominance. Alpha's tend to do that because they are on the top of the werewolf hierarchy  So the end result often times is that the two alpha will spend more time fighting about who would be the one to be impregnated and will end up not having kids. 

Their eyes: omegas-pale blue , beta-green, alphas- red , true-blood alpha -gold

The mate of the head alpha is deemed Luna of the pack

Ruts/ heat: an omega goes through something called heat. Heat is where the omegas pheromones are on overdrive and all they want to do is breed and have a child with their alpha. They will experience extreme pains often times in their lower abdomens,  will have extreme mood swings and nesting fits. A rut is sort of the same thing except they feel this giant urge to impregnate an omega or their mate of choice. They feel extremely possessive and will bare their fangs at any intruder. Alphas will go through something called a knotting after completing sexual intercourse and this can last for hours at a time. This is to ensure that they have impregnated their mate.

Nesting: nesting is where an Omega feels the urge to gather items of importance or even items that peaked their interests and put them together in a pile of sorts. The pile isn't just a regular throw things all in one group, it's very organized to their liking. Nesting can happen when an omega is pregnant or under extreme stress they will not allow anybody to come inside their nest even if it's their mate. In order to be allowed in the nest they will have to ask permission from the Omega. 

Things I made up just now 'cause I think it would make the story interesting:

Wolves and other species (vampires, banshee etc.) can be mates but on rare occasions. 

To hide an omegas scent they have to either find their mate and be marked by them or wear these specially made pendants made of crystal:

To hide an omegas scent they have to either find their mate and be marked by them or wear these specially made pendants made of crystal:

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If there's anything I missed please tell me.

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