It's been a Year

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This is the last chapter so prepare yourselves.




June 13, 2019

Jungkook's POV

Another sleepless night. Will it always hurt this bad, will I ever get pass this. I suddenly remember a quote I had read somewhere. What is the power the dead have over the ones they left behind? It's strange and beautiful and frightening, this deathless love that human being continue to feel for the ones they've lost. I didn't know what it meant at first but now, I think I've grasped some understanding of the words. I know no matter how much I pray to the Goddess to bring him back, even a billion words wouldn't bring him back. Safe in my arms. Neither would my tears be of any justice because at the end of the day he is still gone and I am the one left swimming in pools of my own tears. I want to forget. Forget everything we shared together because maybe then it'll get easier. But I know that won't help either because then I'll be stuck in this endless cycle of forget. 

I have this feeling in my stomach. It's probably all the butterflies I felt around Taehyung dying. 

I know in reality I will always be in this type of rain. A forever rain. For others eventually life will go on. They wont forget but at the end of the day they come home to their families. My parents want me to find a new mate. They've been shoving them on me like their objects. They even tried to have me forcefully mated. Drugging me with a very strong sex drug and locking me in the room with a very willing participant. We would've mated if it wasn't for Seokjin barging in. I eventually had enough of their bullshit and challenged my father for Alpha position. I won, surprisingly and became alpha. I've buried myself in work for the past 2 months.

I walk to my office clad in my blue pajama bottoms and a black sweatshirt. It was Taehyung's favorite one of mine. I smile sadly gripping the thick fabric in my fist. I push open the wooden door and walked across the room. I sat at the desk and sighed rubbing my tired face. I had become a shell of my former self and it showed greatly. Many were hesitant to accept me as Alpha but gave in when I didn't take any of their shit. I don't blame them though. Although I still have a large frame it's smaller than the build I previously sported. My hair has become over grown, enough to put in a decent sized ponytail and it was unkept. My skin had gotten paler over the months giving me the Casper the not so friendly ghost vibes.

I don't mind it though. I just keep myself busy with all the work I am suppose to do now that I am Alpha. After a couple of hours of non stop working Yoongi barges into my office alarming me.

"Is there a problem?" I asked startled, he gave me a blank stare. He nodded before his expression slowly morphed into a more desolate expression. 

"Yes, there is Kook." He said but didn't elaborate until I asked him what the problem was. "You." I stared astonished, confused mostly but still shocked.

"What do you mean?" I whispered he looked on giving the room a gloomy feel. 

"I know you've lost your mate. He was a true friend to all of us Kook. You have every right to grieve. But look at you. You've tried to kill yourself a number of times and you don't know how many times my heart broke at the sight of you laying pale faced on the floor, wrist slice open. Don't even get me started about the time you tied that fucking sheet around your neck and tried offing yourself that way. You told me those sheets were Tae's favorite so it made you feel closer to him. But for one second can you stop and think. Think about Taehyung, I mean actually think. I'm sure he didn't want you to kill yourself just to be with him. Think about the people you are going to be leaving behind. The people who have made you into the person you are today because of their love and care. Jungkook, you are on a road full of self destruction and I'm afraid that if you don't let us help you then you'd be lost. Don't bury yourself in piles of work, I'm here, your big brothers are here for you. I know you've been visiting Taehyung's grave in the past but you haven't been there recently because your buried under hell. Now go take a shower, put on something nice, and go to his grave. I'm sure he misses you." Yoongi ranted passionately through tears, I was sobbing in my hands. Iran up to Yoongi and hugged him tight.

We stayed embraced for a few more minutes until Yoongi cleared his throat and pulled away. He graced me with a small smile while patting me head before leaving.

I did what Yoongi told me and took a long shower before dressing in a white button up and a nice pair of black pants. I put on my black shoes and walked outside. When I passed by my fellow pack mates I smiled at them if they looked my way. As I grew closer I suddenly got this feeling. One I didn't think I'd feel again after Taehyung. It was a pleasant feeling but it scared me nonetheless. 

Upon walking into the clearing everything was the same. Well, everything except for the gaping hole where Taehyung once was. I ran towards the sight unable to comprehend what was going on at the moment. That was until I heard a voice, I stopped in my tracks. I didn't want to turn around because then I feel like I would wake up from this dream. There was no way I could be hearing his voice when he was suppose to be buried under layers of dirt.

"Kookie, didn't you hear me? Turn around so I can see your face." He said. I slowly turned at his request. My eyed watered upon glancing over at the now silver haired boy. He was covered in dirt from head to toe. His body was shielded by the clothing he was buried in but even those were covered in earth. He looked the same, unlike most people who were buried. His face had his same youthful look. Only difference is his now silver hair and eyes. 

"Taehyung", I stuttered out, "How are you here?" I asked but was met with silence. He looked at me for a moment before his boxy smile returned.

"I'm a little dirty so I'm going to the river to bath. Care to join me?" He said while stripping his clothes. Although I was overrun with a slew of emotions I couldn't deny the request to join him.






Ok, now. I'm finally finished with this chapter. Not gonna lie it took me a while. I still think it could've been better though but eh. My head hurts right now so I'm going to wrap this up by saying hope you guys enjoyed and be sure to check out the sequel which I now have to edit to fit this story better, Yay me. Any who have a nice Day/night.

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