New kid

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*re -EDITED*




December 30, 2017

"Good morning Taebear," Seo-Joon said as Taehyung walked out of his room, "Why so serious Taebear? It's the first day of school and also, YOUR BIRTHDAY!"

Said "Taebear" jumped 10 feet in the air at the loudness of his brother, "Ah, Seo Joon Hyung you scared me. So what if it is my birthday?" The male questioned, rolling his eyes.

"So," Seojoon scoffed, "it's not everyday my little brother turns 17. You're almost legal baby brother show some emotion. Oh and by the way I got you something." With that, he pulled out a box and handed it to the birthday boy.

"Hyung," Taehyung whined, "I told you not to get me anything." But he took the box anyway because hey, free stuff. He opened the box to find a crystal necklace nuzzled inside its casing. It was a beautiful necklace that had chippings cascading around its body. It caught every inch of light and reflected, causing miniature rainbows to appear. Taehyung began to zone out, captured in the beauty of the necklace and all its perfect imperfections. 

"Remember to wear it at all times or else, I would get offended." It wasn't until just then that the mesmerized male realized that Seo-Joon was talking. With a nod he put the necklace on and walked out of the door, ignoring his brother yelling, quite loudly, "You didn't eat breakfast yet!" Taehyung laughed as he made his way down the block. He was already late and even so, he was too nervous to eat anything.

-Taehyungs POV-

I was a little self-conscious about my appearance because I had long dark hair, it was thick and my eyes, people said reminded them of a puppy. My face is a little chubby too, which is what I'm actually self-conscious about. 

While in my thoughts I hadn't realized I had bumped into someone and had fallen onto the ground until the pain hit me.

"Are you okay?" he asked. His hair was a nice silver color and his features were almost round in a way. He was a little taller than me so when I got up I had a crane my neck slightly to see him clearly. "Yes, I'm okay. It's my fault for not looking, I'm sorry."

"No need to say sorry, it's fine." the silver-haired male re-assured.

"Hey, since we're going the same way, do you mind me asking what school you go to?" He asked.

"Big-hit High, it's my first day," I answered in a quite tone.

"I go there too, say, why don't we become friends. I'll show you around and stuff!"

"That sounds great." I agreed. I mean he seemed friendly enough. 

"Ok! My name is Park Jimin, I'm 17 years old and as you know, I go to Big-hit= high school."

"I'm Kim Taehyung, also 17. Well, I just turned 17 today." I couldn't help but smile remembering what happened this morning. Caressing the necklace that hangs around my neck, I glanced at my watch and realized we were going to be late if we didn't go.

"We better get going, don't wanna be late on my first day." 

"Aw, you are so cute." Jimin cooed, "Come on then, birthday boy."

Arriving at school, I walked into the main office to check in. Retrieving my schedule and comparing it to Jimin's we noticed we had a lot of the same classes so we decided to go to class together.

When we entered the class I could feel eyes shifting in my direction. They were looking at me. Probably wondering who the hell I was. I could hear the curious whispers confirming my previous thoughts. 

Shrugging it off though and walked to the front of the class when the teacher asked me to introduce myself.

"Hello, my name is Kim Taehyung, this is my third year. Which makes me a junior. I hope we can be friends and have a great year together." Voices once again filled the room as students talked about what I can only assume is me.

I moved to go sit next to Jimin when I realized the seat next to him was taken by some guy who was sleeping. I heard the teacher say to sit next to someone named Jeon Jungkook and asked said male to raise his hand.

Turning to find the raised hand, I see one go up. There he is. Jungkook had dark hair that looked nearly black and dark brown eyes you can get lost in. Which seems to be what I'm doing right now. I snapped out of my haze, blushing from head to toe, and went to sit down. As I sat down though, I could've sworn I heard him whisper something but couldn't be too sure so shrugged it off.

The bell to fifth period rang signaling it was now lunch. As I was exiting the class a hand grasped my wrist tightly tugging me to the nearby restroom and all I can think of was,

...not again

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