Prologue: The Confrontation

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A/N: Dedicated to one of my friends who finally got me in the mood to write an AU story of our lives. Well, indirectly. She's starting a badass new story based on our circle of amigas, and it reminded me of this one idea that I've had in the back of my head for awhile . When she posts her new work (I honestly don't even know what the title is yet), read it! Until then, read this. ;)

                      10:15 PM. November 16, 2012.

                      White tiles and tacky, green-striped wallpaper festooned the empty waiting room of Hatter Medical Clinic. Aside from a heated debate between a sixteen year old female and the lady behind the front desk, only the dripping of bathroom water from the upstairs restroom could be heard. Seven teenage girls total resided in the design-deficient room; some reclined on the comfortable purple armchairs, one leaned on the wall closest to the seats.

                      "We have every right to visit him!" fumed the petite, dark-haired girl who had been arguing with the woman in the front desk for the past 20 minutes. The twenty-seven year old woman, though with a flustered look beaming through her bright green eyes, kept her composure better than the adolescent female in front of her.

                      "I understand that he may have been a favorite teacher for you, kids -" the emerald-eyed woman (whose name turned out to be Esmeralda according to the name plate) was cut short by the tan and lanky female leaning on the far east wall.

                      "He was more than a teacher. He was practically a sifu," the girl, Helena, mentioned.

                      "Not helping," Annie stepped an inch back from her leaning position on the front desk. "What my friend is trying to say is that Mr. Fauster was and still is a father figure for some of us who don't have that kind of person in her life." A look of sympathy came from Esmeralda.

                      "I'm sorry. Rules and regulations state that visiting hours for our mental rehabilitation center are between 10 AM and 5 PM." Esmeralda said with a soft voice.

                      "We came here earlier within that time frame. The other woman who had been behind this desk when we last visited shooed us away," Annie explained. "And for the same reason you are reluctant to let us see him now."

                      "You are all under the legal age," Esmeralda repeated for the umpteenth time since the girls arrived. "Those without the context of this... relationship you have with the man would assume something along the lines of pedophilia. After all, he is in a mental rehabilitation center for a reason."

                      "A reason? More like a false accusation." Emily, with her full-figure and short blond hair, rose from the lounger. "He was a brilliant biochemist with plausible and brilliant ideas that could change history! All you people saw in him was a mad scientist."

                      "He was going to use his own students as lab rats! I don't doubt that he would have experimented on you girls as easily as you would let him," Esmeralda scoffed. Her voice had changed into a violent tone that was far from her usual mice-like squeaks. The other adolescent girls who had not been standing prior to Esmeralda's statement - Tara, Christie, Linn, and Rachel - rose to their feet defensively.

                      Annie's right eyebrow shot up. "Aren't certain patient's documents supposed to be classified? Who gave you the right to snoop in Mr. Fauster's files?" Before Esmeralda could let out a sound from her opened mouth, the muscular Christie approached her smaller friend. "It's not even worth getting fired up anymore," she convinced Annie. "Besides, I told my mom we would all be home by eleven-ish. If we're late, she'll suspect that we didn't really go to Carrie's party and our sleepover would be called off."

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