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    A bleeding Momo walked tirelessly through the streets hitched on the shoulders of two men; one an expected hero, and the other brought in through association. Midoriya held onto Yaororozu's back as he held her arm around his neck, letting it dangle over his right side. Bakugou held on with a little more looseness to his grip. Much rather preferring to be back in the town's center, Bakugou had a long face, almost disgusted with Momo's condition. It would have been much easier for Iida to have just run her to the hospital, but his legs were cut all over, and if he were to pressure his legs at all, he would most certainly bleed out.
    Back in the city's center, a new selection of Nomus were released upon Hosu city (which is apparently the region's crime central). A few nameless scrubs were out as well, but they mainly just added insult to injury, which if your ego was at stake, in this situation, you would most certainly be tarnished. No one knows why, where from, or how the Nomus were there, they just were.
    An explosion blasted light and heat and sound directly passed the three marching towards the hospital. All three of them winced. A scream followed, and a good chunk of building fell to the pavement. The darkening sky left just enough light to see, as rain began to fall. Momo winced even more, as the rain stung her cuts. Her hair dangled passed her eyes, end infront of her face, covering all but and eye. "Hurry, Kacchan! We need to rush to get her to the hospital!"
    "No, Deku. We must fight this now. Find something to cover her so she won't flinch so much." Midoriya looked at Bakugou with a blank face.
"That's good thinking... why would you suggest that? It'd be quicker just to run."
    Bakugou replied, "Yeah, but she's hurting me when she moves." Bakugou looked over into a nearby ally to spot a garbage can. "Can you hold her for a second?" Bakugou prepared himself to dart into the ally after examining it for villains with his eyes.
    "Wait, Bakugou!" Screamed Izuku.
    "Yeah," Yaoyorozu interrupted. "Bakugou, I can just make a raincoat or something. I'm really fine."
    Bakugou, who had just about stopped walking at that point, spoke up. "I can't let you do that in the condition you're in. Just give me a second."
    "But Kacchan..."
    "Shut it, Deku!" Bakugou ran into the ally and grabbed the lid off the can and brushed it off a bit with his shirt to clean it. "Here," he said, raising it above Momo. "Now grab onto me." The three of them walked in silence the rest of the way to the hospital with the occasional wince from Momo. As the trio walked up to the automatic doors, they opened just in time for a villain to dash out of the hospital, followed by several doctors and patients in wheelchairs and gurneys. A bomb exploded in the first floor of the hospital, and the rest of the building tipped to the right. The structure was unstable. No one was killed, but a few patients and doctors were seriously injured.
    "You've got to be kidding!" Midoriya said, alongside Bakugou proclamation of, damn!
    "It's fine guys, I can fix this mysel-" Momo began, soon cut off my Bakugou.
    "Let's get her back to the ally I found the lid in."
    "Why?" Asked Midoriya.
    "Shut-up, Deku! Don't question me!" Midoriya turned back around, his head a little down, but occasionally glancing up at Bakugou, who he felt was really passionate about saving this person, and that, to Midoriya, meant a lot.
    Momo started, "Really, Katsuki, it's o..." She mumbled the rest as she looked awingly up at Katsuki, who in that moment seemed like the most heroic person in the world to her. Hard rain slammed into his eyes and cheeks, his hairs and clothes were soaking, he had a woman dangling from him, and her blood dripping down his side, even explosions in front and behind him, a constant threat on either side of him, but even so, he managed to keep an almost entirely straight face through all of it, except for the parts where his eyes were directly impacted by the water bullets. She was his first priority.
    They managed to get back to the ally in no worse shape than they already were in. Bakugou and Midoriya propped Momo up against a stack of old books, which were surprisingly considerably dry, seeming as they were almost out in the open to be soaked. They were placed under a small overhanging canopy from the building she rested against, presumably a coffee shop. They scavenged the area for anything to stop the bleeding, but came up empty.
    "Guys, it's alright. Really."
    "I can't have you do that." Bakugou said.
    "Come on, Bakugou. It's our only option." Midoriya chimed.
    "No it's not." He replied. He kneeled over in front of Yaoyorozu, and stripped off bits of his costume. His gauntlets were taken off midway through the battle, because one of them broke (again) and the school said they would only repair one more, not a pair, one more (which was probably just a way for them to not have to pay so much money for the things he breaks). He took up her left arm, and it instantly began bleeding. Momo winced. He put the fabric in his mouth and grabbed the part of her arm closest to her shoulder, and squeezed it, trying to stop the blood. He took the fabric out, and wrapped one piece around the cut. He worked his way down her left side. He moved himself over, and went for the slash on her ribs. As he did so, the water on his skin, and the flesh seeping through the tears on Momo's suit, made contact for no more that a half a second. Bakugou instantly turned red, but kept going with the bandage wrapping, being sure to manipulate his wrist away from Yaoyorozu's chest every time he wrapped around.
    Izuku just watched the incident happen, a surge of red flushed his face, as his eyes darted away from the bouncing flesh. Momo's face was by far the most disturbed. Her eyes widen, and she almost moved away from Bakugou, and something deep inside almost called him a pervert, but something even deeper, from the most abyssal part of her heart, shallowed, and she remained in the same upright position. Her face slowly calmed down as time continued though. She kept her vision on Bakugou who would have seemed unnoticeably faced by the incident, if it wasn't for his tomato of a face.
    Bakugou finished and helped Momo stand. Midoriya rushed over to help Bakugou, but was instantly rejected. "Move to the side! Give Momo some space." Bakugou exclaimed, holding her tighter as she stood more and more. Once Momo was on her feet, Izuku and Katsuki once again were helping Momo on her commute. But to where? They both (Midoriya and Bakugou) knew they would be most useful back at the fight in the city's center, but didn't know where to put Momo.
    None of them were given much time to think, however, as a second bomb exploded in the building now to their right (opposite the coffee shop) and forced the three of them to the ground, knocking out Momo. Bakugou huddled around her, and protected her overwhelmed body, as Midoriya ran back towards the fight scene. Bakugou lifted his head and watched Izuku dash towards the fight. A fire built up inside of Bakugou. He was ready to go back and fight. Just as he had almost convinced himself to leave, he looked back at Momo's unconscious body, and this time, a different fire started inside of him. One that would burn on for the foreseeable future, but just this tiny ember, was enough to convince Katsuki to stay with Momo. He knew she needed a guardian, especially now with crime peaking highest it's ever over the last few decades in Hosu.
Who knows what kind of creep would sneak up on a resting girl, and what he would do to her. Bakugou knew he could probably leave her with a pro hero, but he decided he'd do himself and Momo a favor, and curl up with her beneath the ally canopy and watch her rest. He knew most (including Yaoyorozu) who needed rest the most, and well, she was resting just millimeters away from his face, so he was happy.

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