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When Bakugou got on the bus, Momo was sitting in his seat. He sat down with her, reluctantly. "I sit in the window seat," he said with his head down. Momo stood without a word and slid over, gesturing for him to take a seat by the window.
When Kirishima got on the bus, he said, "Dude! Bakugou! That's our seat, man!"
He replied, "Sit in front of us, weird hair." Kirishima sighed. He knew it was almost impossible to change Bakugou's mind (which Yaoyorozu somehow managed to do).
The bus started up a few moments later once everyone filed onto the bus. Aizawa rose above everyone, and gave another one of his hour long speeches. This whole time, Bakugou just stared out the window. Normally he'd have the same angry expression as always, but this time his eyes were much wider, giving his face a more perplexing appeal. In his head flowed thoughts of the passed day. What is with me? Why did I do that? Cuddling with Yao? Why would that even cross my mind? Is something wrong with me? And my heart... it's pounding hard for some reason... Bakugou looked around outside. I don't see any villains, or any danger... why is it beating so fast. Bakugou rubbed his throat. And it hurts! My throat... it's like there's a knot in it! Bakugou sat up a bit. "Strange," he said aloud.
Momo turned to him. "Hm?"
He replied. "Oh, uh... nothing." He slumped back into his seat. Momo slowly turned away from Bakugou and focused her attention once more on Aizawa.
After around thirty-four minutes later, the bus started up and headed back for UA. The road seemed more bumpy to Bakugou on the way back, yet again, this time, he was much more aware of his surroundings, trying not to touch or look at Momo. She eventually caught on, and leaned down to where he was hunched over at the window. "What do you like about the window seat?" She asked.
"The window seat. You said it was your seat. Their must be a reason you like sitting there." Bakugou blushed.
"I-I guess I just like looking out the window or something. Seeing the world pass by. It helps me kind of escape from this reality a bit, y'know?"
    "Aww-" Momo was caught off.
    "And it makes me feel more powerful than all the pedestrians walking, like I have complete control over them."
    Momo sighed. "I'm not exactly sure what I expected from you, Katsuki."
    Katsuki looked up at her. "Excuse me?" Momo looked puzzled. Katsuki spoke again, "You used my first name... like we're friends or something."
    "Oh, sorry! I guess I just figured because of last night..."
    "No, no! It's cool... Momo." Yaoyorozu smiled at that. She was getting to him. Momo's face turned serious for a second.
    "W-back to being formal already? What's with you?!"
    "Sorry, but I just wanted to get this off my chest before I forgot." Momo turned her entire body to face Bakugou's. Bakugou, feeling a little unsettled, looked up at her with wide eyes and a blank face.
    "About last night..." Momo began.
    "Oh it was nothi-"
    "How did my chest feel?" Bakugou flushed even more than he already was. At this point, Bakugou and Yaoyorozu had a bit of an audience facing them now.
    "You touched it when you were applying the bandage, and well... was that on accident?"
    "Y-yes! Of course! I mean..."
    "Well how did it feel? I've never been touched before, let alone by a man... so I want to know... did my body make you feel?" Bakugou was speechless. Mineta had wide eyes and a bit of a bloody nose. He was sitting in front of them, turned around and looking over the seat. Kirishima (who was now sitting next to him) spoke, "Mineta? When did you use your quirk? You're bleeding a bit..."
    He replied, "I didn't..." Kirishima turned back into his seat and faced directly forwards again, blushing, once he looked down at Mineta a little too far on accident.
He didn't say a word, except "Just try to stay out of my personal space."
Denki was blushing too, but because he was sitting behind Momo and Katsuki, and could almost see down her shirt. Iida was supposed to sit next to Denki, and probably would have tried to stop him, except he was at the doctor treating his leg.
Momo questioned Bakugou once more. "How did it make you feel?"
Bakugou started to tear up a bit in his eyes, bleeding from his nose, face gone beyond red, now turning kind of purple. He apparently wasn't breathing, he was so embarrassed. He fell backwards in the seat and hit his head on the window, but not before his right hand (the same one that touched Momo the previous night) grazed her chest again.
Watching it bounce slightly, Mineta just about lost it, Denki feel back into his seat, and Kirishima (who had looked back up just at the right time again) turned right back around (blushing harder this time) and just sat staring forwards. Midoriya blushed incredibly, and looked down at his hands folded on his lap, and Ochako turned red after watching Midoriya turn red, but just because she was jealous. She crossed her hands and looked down at them on her lap too. They didn't speak for the entire ride back to UA.
Yaoyorozu sat their for a second, then turned a little red herself. She exclaimed in embarrassment and frustration, "I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing!"

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