Chapter 11: Sorry not Sorry

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Hey guys!!! I'm sorry I didn't update last night, I ended up getting home way later than what I thought I would! I hope you all love this chapter, I know I do!


Chapter 11: Sorry not sorry

Harry’s POV

Honestly, I can’t believe I’ve just marked Lara. I just had to do it. She had to know that she is mine. I know I’m a total jackass but a jackass can fall in love right? Did I just say that? How the fuck can I be in love with Lara? This makes no sense. What am I thinking? I really should just leave her. I mean I barely know her and I just marked her. I do this with every other girl, so why not do it to her? Although I’m pretty sure she doesn’t want to go back home to face her parents. I’ll just see what her reaction is.

I walk back out and see Lara in the same position at the mirror. She’s still staring at the hickey I gave her.

I decide to go up to her and put my arm around her waist.

“What are you thinking, Love?”

There’s silence. She doesn’t move, she doesn’t speak, doesn’t blink, hell I don’t even think she’s breathing.

Finally she turns and looks up at me. I smile down at her, only for her hand to come in contact with the side of my face.

“OW! Why the fuck did you do that for?”

“You marked me, Harry. When did I ever say I wanted to be yours? I never want to be yours. Why can’t you get that through your thick skull.”

“Well if you don’t want to be mine, why are you still here and trying to get involved?.”

“Because I’m worrying about you.”

“Why worry if you don’t care.? Lara, why are you still here?”

“I do care. You’re a friend Harry.”

“A friend with benefits huh?”

“God Harry. No.”

“Whatever.” I say sternly.

I turn around and grab my belongings and just walk out the door. I hear Lara calling after me, telling me to slow down, but I don’t care. If she doesn’t care, then I don’t care. I mean those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind right? Well Lara sure as hell matters to me, forever reason that may be. But obviously she does mind. It seems as if everything that I do, she needs to be a part of. It gets on my nerves, and I’ve only been near/with her for 2 days. Imagine us a ‘thing’.

Lara’s POV

“HARRY!! STOP WALKING SO FAST!” I shout from behind him. He just keeps walking and walking. Why did he have to walk off? Well to me it’s like he’s fucking running.

“Maybe you should get longer legs.” I hear him mumble.

“Maybe you should get a thinner skull.”

He stops in his tracks, finally. He turns around and waits for me to come up to him. When I’m there we don’t say anything. Nothing is spoken. We just stand there, in the middle of the side walk. Did I mention it’s storming outside right now? Yep, it is. So here I am, standing in the middle of the sidewalk with Harry Styles while it’s storming. What kind of human does this? Oh right…us.

I look up at him, only regretting I did this. His eyes are bloodshot, face all puffy and red with tear stains all down his face. I feel so bad. Why was he crying? I don’t understand. All that happened was a little stupid fight over a hickey…

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