Chapter 6: Meeting

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Lara’s POV

“Dear Lara,

I think you should know that I will be coming to meet you. You’re feisty ;)… I did ask my closest friend to come on the ‘journey’ with me and to write you a letter. I also told him what I thought about you. I will not tell you what I said to him. Now obviously if he said it in his letter, you will know.

Just a reminder, when I called him to ask about the ‘journey’ and to write a letter, he was drunk, high, and fucking a girl. So have fun reading his letter.


All I can think about his what his friends are like. I mean apparently this one was drunk, high and having sex with a girl while on the phone. If his closest friend is like that, I can only imagine what he, himself, is going to be like. Tomorrow shall be a very interesting day. Now I have to read his friends letter.

“Dear Lara,

I’m surprised I actually know your name. So tell me why have you been sending Harry letters? Did you find him on the internet or something? Awe babe, you don’t have to answer those questions, but you might have to tomorrow in person.

You’re probably wondering if I’m going to tell you what Harry really thinks of you, well I’m not. He can tell you if he wants. It’s not my decision to tell or not. Now if it was Niall writing this, he would most likely tell you because Niall is just a bastard like that.

By the way, I’m Louis. Nice to meet you over this letter. I’m sure Harry told you in his letter that when he called I was drunk, high, and fucking a girl. Well I was not either of those when I was writing this, promise.

See you tomorrow sweet cheeks,


What the hell did I just read? I’m pretty sure this Louis guy was kind of flirting with me in this letter. I don’t know. What is flirting with these type of guys anyway? Things are so difficult. I don’t know if this is really a bright idea to meet them now. I really want to, but they seem like trouble. Although, I like trouble. Trouble can be fun. Might as well see and find out, right?

“Lara!!! Get up!”


“Get down here down!” I swear, my mum does this on purpose. This happens literally every Saturday morning. I just want to sleep in for once. Although I have to get up in an hour anyway because I  don’t know when Harry and Louis are going to get here.

“What mum?”

“I’m leaving for work. I won’t be back till Tuesday. Your sister is at her boyfriends on vacation for the week, so you’re going to be by yourself.”

“Oh okay…Can I have someone over so I’m not alone?”

“Sure honey, just no parties. You know the rules.”


“Here’s $150 for food and you can spend some at the mall if you go.”

“Okay thanks mum.”

“You’re welcome. Now be good here. I’m trusting you.”

“Yeah yeah, bye love you!”

“Love you too!” And with that, she’s out the door pulling out of the drive way.

If you’re wondering, my mom travels. She works with models and they travel for fashion shows and competitions all the time. But this is only the second time my mom is letting me home alone. All the other times she had my grandmum come and stay with me.

I get in the shower, get dressed, and eat cereal all in time for them to come. The doorbell rings, I readjust my top and go to open it.

There’s a guy with Green, Emerald eyes, with a mop of curly brown lushes locks. He’s very tall and is in black skinny jeans, brown boots, and a black t-shirt and wearing a beanie.

The other guy is shorter and has blue bright eyes, with brown hair. He’s wearing black jeans with a white t shirt that says “Let us love”, very blunt to the point.

“Well are you going to let us in?” The tall one asks, but it’s more of a command. His voice is deep and husky. It’s really hard to resist…

“Oh ummm..yeah..come in.” I say…god I probably sound like a retard. I lead them both into the living room and we just sit there in silence until the short one clears his throat.

“So, you’re Lara?” He questions.


“There ya go Harry, here’s Lara. Talk and then lets go.” Oh so the tall one is Harry and the short one is Louis. I must admit both are attractive.

“Why did you send me letters, when I told you to stop?” Harry finally speaks up. He seems uncomfortable and a little shy or nervous? I don’t know, it’s really hard to tell.

“Because I can. You can’t force me to do anything you say.” I have no clue where that came from, but I sure did just say it.

“Oh honey, I’m pretty sure I can. I told you, you don’t want to get involved with me.”

“I already am.”

“Well you should leave me..both of us alone from now on.”


“We aren’t some people you want to mess with.”

“Well what’s so bad about you? You don’t seem all badass. You’re here to probe you’re a badass, but obviously you aren’t.”

“You ask a lot of questions. And a lot, all, of these questions are never going to be answered.” And with that Harry gets up and walks right out the front door. Now it’s just Louis and I.

“Sorry about Harry, but he’s right, you don’t want to get involved.”

“But why, Louis?”

“Because we can’t afford to hurt another innocent girl.”

“What do you mean?”

“That’s not for me to tell. You have to find out from Harry.”

“He won’t tell me anything.”

“You just met sweetheart, and you probably won’t ever see us again.”

I just sigh. I don’t know what else to say. I’m defeated. My mind is already running with a billion questions, and I just met these two. How can this be possible?

Louis gets up, walks over to me and hands me a piece of paper with a phone number on it.

“Call this if you need anything sweet cheeks. I’ll always be available.” He winks and me and walks out the door just like Harry did. What the hell just happened?

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