Chapter Sixteen

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I was with Hayden going to the police station. Val was still there and we were going to meet with her. We walked in and looked around. Something was wrong. Sheriff Stilinski was crawling to his gun and Lydia was there. A guy with glowing eyes and fangs lunged at Lydia. She screamed and the Beast flew backwards. Lydia fell to her knees, holding her throat. Blood spilled out. No. I stared in shock. He stared at Hayden and me.

"Run." I said to Hayden.

"What? No." She snapped.

I glared before turning. My eyes glowed and my fangs came out and my claws flicked out. I growled. He stood.

"Hayden. Tatum. Your name is Hayden and Tatum." He said.

He growled before charging.

The Beast dragged Hayden and I to where Theo has been keeping his pack. The Beast shoved a metal table with papers on the ground.

"Where is it?" He yelled.

I was staring down at Tracy's lifeless body. How could Theo do this? Tracy was the only one really loyal to him and he killed her. Hayden closed her eyes.

"We brought you here like you wanted." Hayden said. "How about letting us go now?"

He went over to the wall that showed the picture of the hellhound and the Beast fighting. Hayden looked at Tracy's claws that still dropped with kanima venom before taking a syringe. We stood.

"This demon, on the left. What is he?" He asked.

"He's called a hellhound." Hayden said.

He tilted his head. "Parrish... His name is Parrish, isn't it? And the Argents will try to put the pike in his hands."

Hayden gripped the syringe behind her back. She tried to stab him but he was faster and grabbed her hand. My heartbeat fastened. He made Hayden arm go back and she dropped the syringe. I got into stance if he did anything.

"When did young people become so confident?" He hissed.

I knew what he was about to do. I yanked Hayden away from him before he could stab her with his claws. I growled. I pushed Hayden away. His eyes went to mine. I roared, lunging at him.

"Tatum." Hayden screamed.

He gripped my throats before I could him.

"I admire how you would protect your friends." He said.

He ripped his claws into me and I shrieked. I fell and he went to Hayden.

"No." I rasped.

He stabbed his claws into her leg. She screamed. I'm surprised he didn't kill us. He glanced up when a high pitched sound went on. He stood and left. My hand went to my bloody wound and I groaned. Hayden crawled to me.

"It's okay. We'll get out of here." She said.

I gave her a small smile.

Hayden had a arm around me as we walked into the animal clinic. Dr. Deaton walked.

"Hayden? Tatum?" He asked.

I gasped in pain. "Liam said that you helped supernatural people when we got hurt. Well, I think I'm pretty hurt."

When I tried to walk to him I fell. He caught me and Hayden helped.

Liam got to the animal clinic with Scott. Hayden was pretty much healed though she told me how she wanted to be a real werewolf.

"Tatum, I've managed to stabilize the injury. But considering you're a Chimera, I don't know how, or if, you'll heal." Dr. Deaton said.

"We can still take you to the hospital." Scott said.

"Nah. I've already died there once. And I'll rather not do that again." I said.

"It's your choice." Liam said.

"I know." I nodded to Scott.

His red eyes glowed and his fangs came out.

Liam was at the ledge where you can see all of Beacon Hills. A full moon was out. I walked over to him. He turned with a smile. I flashed my new werewolf eyes and smiled. He flashed his back. I kissed him and I knew everything would be okay. At least for now.


The last chapter. I will be doing the sixth season part one soon. I won't be doing part 2 since Hayden isn't even in it. I was kinda sad when I found out Hayden wasn't in it. What did you think of the last season? Thanks for reading.


Failure (Liam Dunbar) #wattys2019 {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now