21 - The Iron Lady, Hound and the Journey

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Pain shapes a woman into a warrior
-R.h. Sin

Meela's flushed face hadn't turned to their original colour at all. She has been blushing red the whole day since they left the Red's Keep. She wouldn't look straight at the Hound or talk with him. It didn't help that the Hound was a quiet man, making their road trip way more awkward and uncomfortable.

Meela didn't understand how she could flaunt her body around him while she was naked as her nameday without realising it. How stupid can she be?

She felt so ashamed about the morning incident that she wouldn't stop cursing at herself. Sandor would have thought of her as a low life woman who seemed so eager to spread her legs for everyone.

The Hound didn't talk much but he couldn't stop smiling. He found it very amusing that she didn't realise she was naked and still managed to stretch her limbs out in front of him.

It was only for a short moment that he saw her bare but her nakedness was pictured on his mind perfectly. That very image hasn't left his mind at all. It left him aroused and needy of her. But she wasn't giving herself to him. He could never take her without her consent. But being forced to travel with her was absolute torture. Not when her nakedness was all he could think of.

The same long limbs and curvy waist. The same thick breasts and a bush of untamed hair down her sweet smelling womanhood. The same hips he could grip onto as he relentlessly fucked her. They same long neck he could kiss and bite and suck. The same breasts he can grope and fondle and play with. The same sex he could have sucked and lapped and fucked. Although it's been months, she was still the same Meela for him.

Except for a line of scar on her waist that wasn't there when he last saw her. He only realised it when he was halfway across the Red's Keep.

Sandor was too tortured thinking about her body and not being able to find a release for himself. He was too aroused and in awe with her that he couldn't think clearly. He was still in awe but he had a bit of sense in himself to notice her scars.

He wasn't a fool. He knew it belonged to a stab wound. She must have been stabbed by someone when her husband was killed. But he dared not ask her. After seeing her go through a painful panic attack, he couldn't risk letting her go through the same torturing attack again. So he chose to keep quiet about it.

It was already evening when they left King's Landing and they hadn't stopped to rest at all. Meela kept on moving although her muscles started to sore. She was too shy and embarrassed to form a conversation with Sandor. She was too shy to even ask him to rest for a while.

Thankfully Sandor knew it was a long ride even for the Heart Stirrer so he came to a stop with his horse. Seeing that, Meela too stopped.

Sandor unmounted his horse and walked towards Meela's. He grabbed her waist and carried her away from her horse so that she was on foot. She felt herself blush a darker shade of red after Sandor carried her.

His scent was too intoxicating for her and he felt her shudder. His touch sent sparks all over her. It took everything in her to not jump on his arms and have him take her right there.

'Why...why..are we stopping hereee..?'

'There is an inn not too far in front. We'll rest there for the night and leave first thing in the morning,' he replies walking forward while pulling both horses. His raspy voice went deep and she clenched her thighs.

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