Cuddle time with a....demon?

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[Helloooooo readers! I present to you a....800+ words chapter!!]

After morning Dark told that he needed to be away for "business" for the whole day you didnt want to ask what exactly he was up to. After Dark left, You and Anti were sprawled on the couch, legs combined while watching Netflix. "Now a day" Anti said eating some popcorn from the bowl you two shared "mhmm" you agreed focused on the show you two were watching: Rick and Morty, "um question?" Anti said, you looked at him tearing your eyes away from the awesome show "yeah?" You reply "how come your acting like this is COMPLETELY normal? you're already used to it?" Anti asks stuffing his face with popcorn "well...if you guys are staying here then i might as well try to get comfortable right?" You answer "then we are!" He smiled your eyes widen "wait..what?" You tell him surprised "and i also have a question.." you tell Anti "what is it?" He asks "What was with the dramatic entry? guys REALLY had to knock me out cold?" You ask him "Well first impressions matter right? We might as well look badass" Anti chuckled "sorry about your job by the way" Anti continued "Eh i hated it anyway" You laugh "My co-workers were bitches and my boss was the main bitch" You tell him, Anti laughs at this "I definitely saw that" Anti said "ah so you two were the one watching hm?" You said "um...actually it was just me.." Anti said looking away, you see a pink hue on his cheeks and you giggle at how cute he looked 'for a demon he's pretty cute' you thought to yourself "w-..what are you giggling at?" Anti asks with a glare "nothing nothing" You laugh before you both continued watching the show..

"You guys seriously spent the whole day like that?" Dark asks appearing in front of the two of you, Anti was almost slipping off the couch with his legs laying on your waist, your leg was perched comfortably on his stomach while you were almost upside down, "we had to get comfortable" Anti said to Dark, he narrowed his eyes at Anti "That does not look comfortable" Dark told "Oh it is" You said to Dark while sipping some Coke from your cup "at first we were lying normally then suddenly this happened" Anti said looking at you "At least clean your mess" Dark told the both of you "Yes mom" Anti groaned getting up with you doing the same "Dont call me that" Dark snapped at Anti. "What is that glorious smell?" You ask "dinner" Dark said from the kitchen "He really is like a mom" You whisper to Anti with a giggle he chuckles at what you said "i completely agree" Anti nods you both laugh "Alright for dinner we have...Steak, eggs, and (2nd/f/f)" Dark said going out of the kitchen carrying two plates, he sets them on the table "Alright...its dinner time..!" Dark said " guys can eat?" You ask with confusion "We dont need to but we like to" Anti answered as you two walk to the table, once you two sat down you three DESTROYED that meal, after your pleasant meal you felt full and satisfied "So where are you guys going to sleep?" You ask "we have a schedule" Dark informed "We take turns sleeping with you!" Anti grinned your eyes widen and a blush rises to your cheeks "W-what? B-but the couch is b-big enough for you two!" You tell them "Even if, we just want to cuddle!..with you!" Anti says with a pink color dusting his cheeks again "and luckily I'm going first!" Anti continued making your blush spread further, Dark rolled his eyes "whatever.." Dark grumbled while glaring at Anti.

It was finally bedtime and you were dressed in your pajamas you entered your room and see Anti in a sexy pose on your bed "Over here, Sweetheart~" Anti purred with a finger waggling for you to come closer causing your face turned an instant red but you went towards him anyway "wow, didnt think you would actually come to me" Anti chuckled in a low voice 'why does that sound sexy?' You mentally slap yourself for that thought "now come on closer~" Anti winked at you, you couldnt help but step closer and closer towards him until your feet were stopped by the bed . Anti chuckles and looks at you he quickly pulls you on the bed and snuggles you "What in the-" you were hushed when a finger was placed on your mouth "Its bedtime" Anti said nuzzling his face on the back of your neck, he pulled the blanket over you two and the lights suddenly close "Goodnight y/n" Anti said before dozing off, your face was glowing red, no one has ever cuddled with you like this before in one has ever cuddled with you! You're that lonely! [Sorry ;-;] "Sleeeeeep.." Anti whispered hugging you tighter you couldnt help but giggle at this. After a few minutes you and Anti doze into a peaceful sleep..with Antis arms around you and his face nuzzled into your neck.

"I'm gonna fucking kill him" Dark muttered before heading to bed.

Going insane [Darkiplier x reader x Antisepticeye]Where stories live. Discover now