The 2nd day

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You woke up quite happily only to "Wha.." you mutter "Good morning" someone said with a chuckle scaring you, you look up and see Anti smiling at you, you quickly blush remembering the cuddles "G-g-good morning.." you stutter Anti chuckles sleepily and lazily pats your head "Do you want to sleep some more? Cause i sure do..." Anti laughs "mmm sure" you said snuggling up to him but seconds after you do, Dark appears in the room with a glare "Alright you two, up!" He yelled making Anti groan in protest "do we have to??" Anti groaned "Yes! We have guests comimg over!" Dark snapped hating how close you two were, it made him feel....jealous... "They wont arrive THAT early!" Anti yelled tightening his grip around you, Dark noticed and his expression became dark once again "up. Now" Dark said as some kind of force separates you both and drops you two on the floor but you were dropped slowly and gently while Anti was dropped onto his face you hear Dark snicker at this "Ow" Anti mutters while getting up "dont tell me Will is coming too..." Anti said with dread in his eyes "He coming too" Dark said Anti groaned once again "i hate him!" Anti yelled "then just dont talk to him yeesh..." Dark rolled his eyes at this making you giggle at their behavior "Now get ready, y/n...we have guests" Dark said "Alright" You said heading to the bathroom "And...dont wear anything that shows...what you have up there and down of our guests can be....touchy" Dark warned making you shudder "Got it!" You said but then realized something "isnt this MY house?" You ask him placing your hands on your hips "Not anymore...from now on its OUR house, kitten" Dark told you, you frown and head to the bathroom "what if Will DOES touch her? I mean..he does love women.." Anti asks "we'll make sure he never does...ever..again" Dark told Anti, Anti nodded in agreement "Anyone that tries to touch her...will never touch again" Dark continued, Anti smiled at Dark "I like your idea, Dark!" He agreed with a grin.

You decided to wear a comfortable, grey, wooly turtleneck with some black leggings, you look at yourself in the mirror 'for once i look pretty decent' you giggle at the thought and hear someone whistle "Wow" Anti's voice sighed, you jump and look at him he seemed to be in a tranced state "Um...Anti?" You ask snapping him out of his daze " look amazing!" Anti complimented with a smile

[Anti's POV]

Dark and I were planning what to do in this little thing Darks got planned...i asked him if it was a party and all he replied was with "no". Its been a few minutes and im already bored when suddenly y/n pops into my mind...i should go check on her i think before heading to her room i open the door and the first thought that comes into my mind was:

Damn that ass

I couldnt really think at this point all i could do was stare. From the very beginning i saw her she made my heart beat and just seeing this hot sight in front of my eyes made me sweat and i felt kinda tingly then i suddenly whistled "Wow.." i sighed and continued to admire her features.. her curves were in all the right places, her (h/l), (h/c) just made her face look even more stunning, and that ASS, and her boo- "Um...Anti?" Her voice snaps me out of my trance " look amazing!" I immediately say my face instantly becoming a smile she giggles and i feel like...blushing..."An-anyway lets go downstairs!" I said reaching a hand out to y/n.

Going insane [Darkiplier x reader x Antisepticeye]Where stories live. Discover now