Nightmare or Reality?

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[3rd POV]

After Zack's disappearance she spent the rest of the day alone, silently pleading for Anti and Dark to come back. She hadnt realize how lonely she was until the two demons left "really wish you guys were here..." y/n sighed looking around the empty apartment. Y/n was cuddling a pillow while watching Netflix she began to miss the feeling of Antis legs entangled on hers.. especially Darks delicious cooks.

It was soon night time and y/n crawled into her bed with a sad expression 'no cuddles then...' she thought before closing her eyes and falling into a soft slumber

[2nd POV]
You open your eyes and see a twisted hallway, various objects floating around, the hallway seemed very, very dark. You walk across the hallway looking at the objects surrounding you when you see a door in front of you on it were the numbers: 643, you open the door with slight hesitation, you hear gurgling sounds and painful screams you immediately run towards the sound, you burst open a door only to be greeted with a terrifying sight. In front of you was Zack, his hands were stabbed into the wall by two kitchen knives, keeping him in place, he had no shirt on but his chest was cut open with his insides spilling out. The sight made you gag but then you saw two people in front of him, facing away from you, one of them was teasing him with a dagger, he had Green hair, the other one was busy slowly pulling his insides, he had a suit on. You gasp at the sight the two people look at you and you freeze, your eyes dart over to one of them you knew was Anti but he didnt look like the cute demon anymore, he had blood splattered all over his face, his eyes no longer an interesting odd one you admired but were pitch black, his smile no longer adorable and attractive but insane and filled with bloodlust, he glitched as he looked at you with that smile. Your eyes look at Dark and somehow he scared you much more than Anti, his head twitched, he was glitching madly as well, his eyes no longer soft and joyful but looked crazed and lunatic, his hair was covering one of his eyes, he had no smile on but a line, blood covered his suit. They both look at you and smile "You. Are. Ours"

[2nd POV still]
You wake up with a scream as you sat up, you look around, probably hyperventilating. When you feel a hand wrap around your wrist you scream and then hear someone groan "y/n? Whats wrong..?" A low, sleep, and raspy voice asks your eyes look at the person but all you see was a sleepy Dark he looked NOTHING like the Dark from your nightmare, he looked Cute AND hot much much far from the Dark from your nightmare "D-dark?" You whisper "Wh- why'd you scream?" Dark asks still sleepy "Just....a nightmare..." You tell him not being able to look at him, you hear him sit up then you feel a hand grasp your chin, making you look at Dark, instant red hits your cheeks 'Damn' you thought in your mind "Tell me about it" he said "" you couldnt speak "alright" Dark muttered. You both lay back down, you were about to sleep when you feel arms wrap around you and breathing on your neck "Tell me" Dark said softly in your ears, you felt the blush come back again "t-tell you wh-what?" You asked "About your nightmare" he said "I...I dont know..." you replied "I'll listen" Dark told "And maybe i'll help you relax" Dark continued "O-okay...fine" you gave in with a sigh. You told Dark everything about your dream and he seemed to actually be listening "Oh..." was all he replied after you finished "I-I damn scared" You told him "I see.."  Dark said, he seemed...hesitant... "I just couldnt believe...that...that was you guys" You sighed turning to face him, he looks at you with those soft eyes "well...we can talk about it in the morning but for now...just rest" Dark said, you nodded and slept peacefully in Darks arms but before you slept you heard dark say "You are ours"

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