Chapter 31

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I groan tiredly as the annoying ringing of my alarm bellows throughout my room, penetrating my ear drums. Turning over and limping slapping my hand down on the clock, it soon switches off.
"6, AM, is, too, early."
I mumble with irritation as I slide out of my bed and stumble over to my dresser. I wanted to pick out something, nice, but not too nice that it would be classed as overdressing for school. I just wanted to try and impress Jakob a little.
After taking about 10 minutes deciding what to wear, I check myself over, standing in the mirror.
"Okay.. I, I like this.. it's. Good."
I smile before running out my room and heading to the guest bedroom.
"Hey Ben! What do you think of!-"
I stop. He wasn't there. The bed and room had again been untouched. I couldn't help feeling a little sad inside. I really wanted his approval on my outfit to see if it was okay..
"Wait what? What am I doing? I'm trying to get Jakobs approval on the outfit! Not.. not Ben."
Sighing, I turn and leave the room, heading downstairs to greet my parents.

"Good morning [Name]! You're looking lovely this morning!"
My mother gasps as she is once again in the kitchen cooking breakfast for my father.
"Thanks mum!"
I smile widely. She nods and turns back to the stove to continue cooking the eggs and bacon.
"So, how was the house search?"
I ask my father as I sit down at the table opposite him. He lowers his paper and gives me a quick glance up and down.
"Isn't that a bit much for school?-"
"Stop it! She looks beautiful!"
My mother taps my father on the back of the head as she gives him his food. I felt like running upstairs and changing my entire outfit because of my fathers words but I knew that would upset my mother. So I decided to stay with what I had on.
"The house search went okay. I don't think we're going to move there. So. We're still looking."
My mother signs with a faint smile. I could see she was sad but was clearly trying to not let it show.

I said my goodbyes and left the house, heading down to wait outside of Susie house. However, after 30 minutes, she still hadn't come out of her house.
Walking away, I send her a quick text to say I'd meet her at school. Before making my way down the street, turning corners and crossing roads until my school eventually come into view. Susie wasn't waiting for me at the  gate either.
"Maybe she'll be in class.."
I mumble to myself as I head into the building and make my way to my locker to grab my things for first period.
Entering my English room, I sat in my same usual seat, but Susie wasn't in her usual seat next to mine. She wasn't in the room at all.
"Susie.. where are you?-"
"Do you have something you wish to share with the class that's so important to talk over me [LastName]?"
Asked Mr Kit. I hadn't realised that I spoke out loud, I thought it was just in my head. Now I got to deal with this asshole.
Standing out of my chair, I lower my head before apologising.
"No Mr Kit. I am sorry."
"Sorry for what exactly? Come on, speak up! As you were so willing to speak over me, speak up now."
Grumbling angrily to myself, clenching my fist before taking a deep breath to calm me down. Raising my head, staring him straight in the eye.
"I said. No, Mr. Kit."
Extending the pause between Mr and Kit by a few milliseconds was enough for his eye to twitch.
"Stand outside the class for me a second please [LastName]."
He orders. Mumbling sarcastically under my breath, I storm out and slam the door. Sighing loudly and deeply, leaning on the wall. Waiting for my teacher to come give me an ear-full.
As I wait there with my head leant back on the wall with my eyes closed, I suddenly hear a familiar voice followed by a chuckle.
"Kicked out by Mr Kit huh?"
Opening my eyes and lifting my head, my eyelids suddenly slam open wide as Jakob stands before me with one hand in his pocket, the other stretched down by his side.
Shaking my head to clam my facial expression. I simply sigh and nod.
"I swear he hates me. I can never do anything right in his eyes."
Jakob laughs more, walking over to me. Leaning against the wall directly opposite me.
"Why don't you just leave? You got your bag with you. Just go for a walk somewhere."
He had a point. I did for some reason take my bag and stuff with me, so I could easily just walk off and not come back until my next lesson with him in two days time.
"I would but I wouldn't know where to go."
"I can show you a nice place to relax"
He offers as he stands straight. I accept his offer and walk beside him, making our way down the halls and up each set of stairs until we reached the roof of the building. The air was so peaceful and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.
"Wow.. the school grounds look so.. well. I dunno.. I think I'm trying to say, I like it up here."
I giggle nervously, scratching the back of my head. I wasn't sure what I was actually trying to say but I think he knew what I meant.
"Yeah, I like it up here. I come here a lot when I want to get things off my mind."
He smiles before walking over to a sunny spot and sitting on the floor with his legs stretched out before him, his hands behind his back as he leant against them to keep his torso pushed up. I join him and cross both my legs to the right side, curling and bending at the knees, leaning on my left hand beside me.
"Are we even allowed up here?"
"I dunno.. I haven't been caught yet."
He chuckles, to which I couldn't help giggling along with him. Once he stops, a sweet smile forms on his face.
"You look very beautiful [Name]."
It felt like my heart instantly stopped and my brain went into overdrive. Mayday mayday! Abort abort! WHAT DID HE JUST SAY?!
I was silent for a few seconds but he just chuckles, shaking his head.
"Sorry. Probably should have said anything.-"
"No no! I uh. I'm glad.. I'm glad you did."
"Really? Hm okay. So, why the sudden clothe change? What's the occasion?"
He asks, tugging playfully at my clothes. I couldn't help but grin. If only he knew these clothes were worn to impress him.
"Ahh, can't tell you that."
I laugh jokingly, to which he laughs along with me.
"They're for that blonde boy aren't they?"
"Yeah,  I MEAN! No no they're not! I uh, actually wore them for you."
I don't know what happened. Why did I say yes when he said I wore these clothes for Ben? I didn't wear them for Ben! I wore them for Jakob! Right? I had to think for a moment. Think that maybe there's a possibility I thought I was dressing for Jakob when I was actually dressing for Ben??
"For me Huh? Well.. you sure do look great."
I'm suddenly pulled out of thought but Jakobs voice. But I had so much on my mind, I couldn't reply. I just sat there, staring out into the view as all these thoughts clouded my brain.
Did I dress for Jakob? Or did I dress for Ben?

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