Chapter 13

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"Who?" Confusion begins sweeping across my mind all over again.

"The ruling force in Aurora City. She has requested you personally, or maybe you and your friends. Why don't you open the invitation?" Hugo returns the envelope to me, and I break the seal with shaky hands. Anjulee turns her gaze to us, and she tilts her head.

"What's that?" No one answers her, but Anjulee's eyes widen in realization. "You got an invitation?" she near yells. Ada and Javier also refocus their attention on this new development. I finally pull the slip of paper out from the envelope, and unfold it so I can read. The paper is thin and gold-edged, and the writing is large and curly, so I have to actually try to make out the elegant lettering. I begin reading aloud.

"'You have been personally invited to the Syacore Festival by Chancellor Nevaeh. The celebration will take place July 15, and will last three days. Your arrival will be expected two weeks in advance in order for you to help prepare for the festivities. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.

"'You and your companions will receive accommodations in the Aurora Palace for the time you spend here, and there will be a number of things to do during your stay. Chancellor Nevaeh will personally take care of all of you while you are here, and will make sure you know your way around the city. Your safety will always be a top priority.'" I lower my hand. "I don't quite understand what's going on." Ada looks like she's about to burst with the smile on her face.

"The Syacore Festival is a celebration of the Elements. There's a parade, a party with food and drinks, singers, performers, mystical beasts... The list goes on! It happens around the time many young Elementals graduate from their basic education, which happens during the coming of the Petal Rain." The explanation is somewhat helpful, and I don't bother asking for more information.

But social interaction? A party, no less? I refrain from shuddering. I may be able to deal with all these new people, but I'm still introverted.

"Which is why we shouldn't wait until night to go to Utopia Z," Hugo says decidedly. He claps Ada on the shoulder. "You can make a temporary dream cradle for everyone to do this in, right?" Ada's smile lessens slightly.

"Yes, but it'll drain—"

"Wonderful! Then you'll be off as soon as Arik gets that list. Why don't you start setting up? There's an open hut over there," Hugo says, and gently sets Ada on her way. I can't help but notice her posture giving away her reluctance. Hugo sighs, his smile melting.

"I don't want to ask her to do all this, really. But if she doesn't learn to use her Element quickly, efficiently, and often, she won't be of much use to your team any time soon." He shakes his head. "She needs to build resistance, or at least some endurance." He shakes off his serious expression and shrugs. "Oh well. This exercise shouldn't really be that bad. I'll go grab the somnium berries." Hugo walks in the opposite direction I'd joined the group in, leaving Anjulee, Javier, the dragon siblings, and I alone.

"When did the invitation show up?" Anjulee asks suddenly. I shrug, thinking this question to be unimportant.

"I think it kind of magically appeared when I went back into the house." Anjulee's forehead creases in concentration.

"Did you get to see it appear?" she continues. I shake my head, and she snaps as a nonverbal dang it.

"I have yet to witness the teleportation of objects. I was hoping to at least get an eyewitness account from you." She frowns. "Oh well."

A rumble echoes in the ground, causing pebbles and sand to shift throughout the Oasis. I clutch the heavy incubator to my chest. My heart begins racing. What could possibly be happening now? The shaking stops, and I'm just about ready to assume it was just an earthquake; no big deal!

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