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"Luke, nice to see you finally show up," Calum stated, his arms crossed as he was leaning against his cop car. The red and blue lights on, and flashing as he heard cameras snapping to take photos in the back of them.

"I got held up with someone," Luke replied calmly, looking to the yellow police tape lined in a rectangle in front of the mint green house behind them.

"Someone?" Calum asked seeing as that Luke always gave a name. They usually dealt with the same people seeing as it was a small town.

"Ashton Irwin," Luke smiled a bit when saying his name, his mind wandering to think about Ashton's tattoos and piercings, and his gorgeous hazel eyes.

He heard Calum snicker, and it was obvious now that he had been blushing. He couldn't help it, Ashton made him feel things he usually didn't feel. 

"Oh shut up," Luke rolled his eyes and playfully nudged Calum's shoulder with his own. "So, what happened?" He asked, gesturing to the crime scene behind them.

"Another murder, we've come to the conclusion that they're all connected. We decided to name the killer the Midnight Murderer because so far all the deceased have been confirmed to be killed around midnight. It's obvious we're dealing with a serial killer, and it's unfortunate it has to be in Apollo Bay. We've been trying to keep the press out of it but word spreads quick in a small town."

Luke bit his lip, turning slightly to look at the photographers taking photos of victim. He watched as they lifted a black tarp that had been covering a portion of the body, and he could see the crimson red blood shining due to the flash from the cameras. The body was dismembered, that was obvious. Luke was sure not all the parts were there. At the other crime scenes hands and eyes had been missing. He couldn't image that pain, the unbearable pain of having your eyes gauged out. He cringed and tried to stop thinking about it, but this was his job.

The detective focusing on the scene walked up to Luke and Calum, light stubble on his face as he looked at the two officers with cocky expression. He had dark brown eyes and dark brown hair that in the current lighting from the street lamps might as well have been black. His name was Detective Chris, and to say the least he was an asshole. An asshole which Calum, and Luke despised. Which said a lot, because it took a lot to make Luke have a hatred for someone.

"Did you see the body?" he asked, pulling out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, taking out one and lighting it. Pressing it to his lips and looking at the two men before him, blowing the smoke out in their faces causing Luke's expression to change to one of irritation.

"A little," Calum replied for the both of them, his response short and to the point. His arms crossed as he glared at Chris.

Chris didn't say anything in response to Calum's attitude as he just snickered and turned to Luke. Who stayed silent because he really had nothing to add to this conversation, if you could even call it that. He had to resist letting out a breathe of relief when Chris walked away due to the sheriff asking for him.

"Do you get off now? We should go for drinks," Calum said to Luke since they had finally got Chris to screw off and he wouldn't butt in. Luke thought about it, but in the end decided not to, despite Calum's wish for him to.

Luke drove his car back to the station where he swapped it out for his usual car. A black Nissan Maxima he had been gifted from his parents after graduating from the police academy. Driving home at night was uneventful, and he made it home safely. Parking his car in the driveway, and unlocking the door to the nice suburban home to which he lived alone.

Turning on his phone, he was bombarded with tons of messages and notifications from various people and apps for he always kept his phone off whilst he worked. An unknown number caught his eye, for he already knew it was Ashton. He didn't think the man would actually message him, and he was so glad to say he did.

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