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Luke had fallen asleep at six am, and his alarm started blaring at eight am. Two hours of sleep, he barely could survive eight hours of sleep with coffee. He was tempted to call out sick, and work from home on the case. Of course he had been working from home after hours, but not with the knowledge of his job. Which could lead to to his termination, but that wouldn't happen if they don't find out.

He picked up his phone and dialed the department's number. He had been there last night, and he didn't look the best but that was due to tiredness and stress. He could only hope that his lie of being sick would be okay, this was the first time he's ever called out sick.

The phone rang, and rang, and to his surprise, Calum answered.

"Apollo Bay Police Department-,"

"Calum," Luke said in his hoarse tired voice, "You're in early?"

"Oh yeah, had to cover for some guy since he went home a few hours early before the night shift ended. What has you calling?" His best friend asked, and Luke felt glad that Calum answered.

"I've decided to take a sick day, I feel horrible, Cal. I can't work like this," Luke rambled, hearing his friend's breathing over the phone.

"Yeah, you've looked really stressed, it's probably making you ill. Taking a day off will be good for you,"

Luke murmured in agreement, before thanking Calum and disconnecting from the call. Staring in his bedroom mirror which was across from his bed, he truly looked like shit.

He fell back against his bed and his eyes shut without him even acknowledging it. Instantly falling asleep, for he had been exhausted for days now. Even when he did get enough sleep, the stress made it seem like he got none. The Midnight Murderer was watching every move he made, and it made him hesitant to continue the investigation out of fear for his life. But he would rather prove Ashton innocent, and risk his life in doing so.

Luke was dreaming, he could see himself sleeping which unsettled him a bit. Especially as he watched his bedroom door creak open. And the same person who had broken into his home and stole the files from his office creeped in. A shiny sharpened knife was in the Midnight Murderer's hand, and he stalked towards Luke's sleeping figure.

The knife in his hand being pulled up into the air before forcefully being plummeted into his abdomen.

He gasped and he held his abdomen as he realized it was a nightmare. He rushed out of bed, looking at the time. He had been asleep for a mere three hours and was being disturbed by nightmares. Letting out an exasperated sigh, the blonde man stood up and pulled on a causal outfit of jeans and shirt with a jacket he quickly shrugged on. Though he was off duty, he stuck his police badge in his pocket and got into car, driving straight towards the bad side of town. Straight towards the apartment building in which Michael was killed.

This case was going to drive him towards insanity, and he couldn't sleep until he made a breakthrough. He was going to lose his mind, while Ashton was found guilty in court.

"It's not going to happen," Luke mumbled under his breath as he parked outside of the apartment building. He entered the building, and residents leaving the building gave him dirty looks, for they knew who he was. 

He pressed the elevator button to go up, and enter upon the steel doors sliding open. Pressing the number 4, and waiting to arrive. The elevator music came through the speakers as a disturbing static, which had Luke even further uncomfortable.

He walked towards the apartment door which has yellow tape block the door, and put on latex gloves. He would have to pick the lock due to the Midnight Murderer stealing the extra key into Michael's apartment, the night he broke into Luke's home. He used his tools and got the lock opened within ten minutes, he would like to say he didn't become frustrated with but that was not the case.

Authority || Lashton ✔️Where stories live. Discover now