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Luke had stripped out of his uniform, and was gathering various clothing items along his dark wooden floors. Sometimes he would come home from a long day and just toss his clothes to the floor, quite stupid when the laundry basket was no more than 5 feet away. He dragged his white laundry basket to the laundry room, and began piling clothing into the dark chrome washing machine, humming when the drum of it was half full. He put some detergent into the container, and then fabric softener, before closing the lid and starting the load. Staring at the basket in the washing machine begin to spin and spin.

He  was only in a pair of black basketball shorts, and an All Time Low muscle tank top as the rest of clothes were washing. He heard a knock at his door, assuming it was Calum because who else would it be? Though it was kinda late, and strange for Calum to visit at this time. Luke walked over to the front door, opening the mahogany door, to see the punk who makes his heart skip a beat.

Ashton was wearing a black muscle tank with Nirvana on the front, black ripped skinny jeans, as  well as those same black combat boots from earlier. His eyes moved from Luke's white socks slowly up his body to the pale man's blushing cheeks. Luke's blue eyes quickly moving to look down at the white wooden floor of his porch after they made eye contact with Ashton's hazel eyes. Ashton chuckled at his reaction, before he allowed himself to enter, even before Luke could say anything. But it wasn't like he was going to deny him entrance anyway. Ashton closed the door and turned to look at Luke and his attire, amused by what he saw.

"Those basketball shorts don't do justice for that ass of yours," He teased, watching Luke's blush become a deeper red and mutter a 'shut up.'

"How do you even know where I live?" Luke rolled his eyes, walking to the kitchen and sitting on one of the black stools next to the marble kitchen island. Ashton doing the same, sitting next to Luke with a smug smirk on his face.

"I know people," He replied, watching Luke roll his eyes and chuckle lightly.

"You know that doesn't make me feel great safety wise," He said, opening the fridge and taking out a small glass container with a blue lid. It held leftover lasagna from the other night. He placed the container on the kitchen island and open the lid, placing it to the side before looking at Ashton.

"Would you like some?" He asked and watched as Ashton seemed to think before nodding. Luke took a spatula and took out a few pieces of the lasagna and placed them on a platter before placing it in the microwave. Though it wasn't the most gourmet, lasagna was amazing no matter what.

"Luke, I know it's a bit weird for me to show up so late without a heads up or anything," Ashton began, looking at Luke who was staring at him eager to know why he was there, "but I feel like you're obligated to know why I was standing in that alley way selling some kid drugs.."

"I mean Ashton I don't want to pressure you into telling me, I understand you and me come from completely different worlds. But I risked getting in huge trouble with my job- possibly even fired...thankfully they didn't find out it was lie I had fabricated."

"I do what I need to do to make money Luke, I've been doing this since high school except back then it would just be for high school kids looking for it, for their stupid parties. Plus, I don't sell the bad shit Luke. I'm not going to be the cause of someone dying due to some laced coke," Ashton stated, and Luke opened his mouth to respond but the microwave beeped before he could say anything. He took the platter out of the microwave and separated the lasagna onto two smaller plates. One for him, one for Ashton.

"Selling drugs is serious Ashton, and as an officer I was supposed to arrest you in that moment. But it was you, and I just couldn't do it," Luke admitted, placing a fork on Ashton's plate and using his own to stab a piece of his lasagna. Blowing air on it to cool it down a bit before placing a piece of it into his mouth.

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