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Looking around, Luke was making his daily arounds looking for anyone causing trouble. He had finished the morning meeting about the Midnight Murderer, and was not pleased with the anxiety it left in the pit of his stomach. He drove around where he had been previously, aka where he had saw Ashton doing a drug deal. A feeling of sadness overcame him, and he tried to ignore the desperation he felt for Ashton. He continued driving by it, and tried to think of other things. He was here to work, not let his mind wander to daydream about Ashton.

He turned left and stopped at a red light, humming to himself though he didn't have any music playing. His blue eyes lingered to the sidewalk, seeing a man walking with his hands in his pockets. Luke's eyes moved further up, from his black jeans, black sweater, and up to the man's curls. Making Luke pause and instantly turn so he was parked next to the man. The man turned, and his hazel eyes glazed over Luke's cop car, causing Luke to instantly recognize it was Ashton. He got out of his car, and leaned against it. Watching Ashton's eyes widen upon seeing him, but he instantly tried to get back to his typical chill attitude.

"Luke," Ashton stated, his eyes continually going from Luke's boots up his legs, lingering at his crotch, before moving up his uniform shirt, and to his face. His lip was bit, and he played with his lip ring while waiting for Luke to speak.

"Ashton, I've been wanting to speak with you," Luke said, opening the passenger door of the cop car, expecting Ashton to get in.

The punk didn't deny him, and slid into the passenger side seat. Closing the door, because he assumed Luke wanted privacy- which he did. Luke got in on the other side, and drove off towards somewhere less busy. It was silent for a few minutes as he tried to figure out what to say first. He couldn't be upset if he was a bad fuck, that was simply Ashton's opinion. But he felt amazing, and thought Ashton felt the same.

"Why did you leave that morning?" Luke asked, looking at the road and pulling into the quiet park. It was evening, so not many people were playing in the park anymore; luckily for them it provided them slight privacy.

Ashton stayed silent for a moment, before turning to look at Luke.

"I typically don't stay the night, so for me to stay there, and wait for you to wake up isn't something I'd do. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, but it's a habit I simply can't break," Ashton stated, feeling guilty that his response felt so rude, and harsh.

Luke's didn't like his response, not just because of the harshness-, but because it made him conclude that the feelings he was developing for the punk were pointless- as well as harmful.

"I see," was all Luke could muster out, as he tried to keep a frown off his face. He turned away to look out his window, to see the street lights turning on despite the sun still being up, though it was setting quickly. The sky was mixed pastel colors of pink and orange.

Ashton placed his tattooed hand over Luke's which was holding the clutch. He used his opposite hand to hold Luke's chin and make the officer face him, before pressing his lips to Luke. The kiss was slow, nor gentle. It was rough, and Luke opened his mouth slightly to give Ashton's tongue access. A part of Luke couldn't help feeling guilty, but his feelings for Ashton trapped him in a place of desiring more. Ashton removed his hand from Luke's, and placed it over the blonde haired man's crotch. Unzipping his khakis, and slipping his hand in to grope his bulge through the boxers.

Luke let out a moan while they kissed, his cheeks flushing pink as he let Ashton's large hand make its way into his boxers. The calloused hand, wrapping around his shaft and pumping him at a fast pace.

A thought in the back of Luke's mind, kept warning him that Ashton was toying with him- using him. But he wanted him so badly, that he knew he couldn't stop the tsunami of hurt he would have to face for it. He let another moan and bit down on Ashton's bottom lip, causing the punk to grunt. The sexy sound making shivers travel down Luke's arms and legs.

"You're doing this to a-avoid the conversation aren't you?" Luke stuttered, feeling Ashton quicken his pace, and massage his balls. Ignoring his question all together, which in itself was an answer.

He was going to regret falling for Ashton, he just knew it. He didn't want to get caught in something that was meaningless, he desired the feeling that came with romance, romance that was equal among the people. Not one sided love, for that was a feeling closer to heartbreak. Luke wished he could shove Ashton off of him, and yell at him for the answers he wanted. But what would he ask anyway? He wanted him so badly, and if this is the best he can get- he needed to accept it.

Ashton had the pad of his thumb continually slide over the tip of Luke's cock, running the small slit which was leaking pre-cum which resulted in Luke shutting his eyes in pleasure. He bucked his hips up, unintentionally to increase the pleasure and fuel the feeling in his stomach. He let out a loud moan as he melted into his leather seat and came on Ashton's hand, and in his boxers. Hopefully when he walked into the office, he could punch out without anyone noticing the cum stain on his pants, thankfully he wore dark pants.

Luke's beautiful blue eyes watched, as Ashton slipped his inked tan hand out, and licked the cum off his hand sexually. Winking at Luke as he noticed him staring breathlessly.

"You can't play with me like this," Luke muttered in a tired voice, looking away from Ashton, as shame began to settle in the pit of his stomach.

"I'm not playing sweetheart," Ashton whispered in Luke's ear, kissing his cheek. "There's no harm in a little fun, but you know you're more to me or I would've never gone a second round."

"But are you going to stay the night," Luke asked with a roll of his eyes, watching as Ashton shook his head.

"Love hurts Luke, it's not really love if your heart doesn't feeling like it's breaking."

Luke watched as Ashton got out his car, and Luke sighed as he was tempted to ask if the punk wanted a ride. But it was pointless, because he would be asking for selfish reasons. Love shouldn't cause pain, Ashton was wrong. But what was he to do? He was in the midst of a forbidden love, but he knew it was pointless to continue it. Possibly even dangerous, and career ending. But he couldn't give it up, not when it was something he had wanted for years.

He drove off towards the station, looking at his watch as he parked in his assigned parking space. Jogging into the station to punch out. He happily pushed each button to put in his ID, and was prepared to leave when he felt an arm around his shoulder. He turned before becoming defensive to see it was large smiled Calum.

"You look stressed mate, is that why you're in such a rush to leave?" He asked, chuckling as he moved off of Luke to punch out as well. He turned back to look at Luke, the same smile on his face. "Why don't we go out for drinks, you're always sitting at home and wasting away. You need a bit of fun in your life."

Luke shook his head, "Not tonight Calum," He muttered, Calum's smile turning into a frown which made him feel slightly guilty. He felt worn out, and he sure as hell felt like getting drunk with Calum, and confessing his secret love affair was a good idea. He walked on, not hearing Calum follow him, which saddened him that he upset his friend- but life goes on.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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