Chapter 1: Introduction

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This book is my first Loki x Reader fic, so I apologise if it is terrible. Also, don't criticise my spelling because 99% of the time it isn't actually wrong, just the British spelling.
I adore Loki, so I will do my best do bring his character justice (also, rip Loki 2018). Feel free to comment anything, even if it's absolute trash and has nothing to do with the story. Also feel free to add any suggestions you may have for Y/N's character, as I own her and can do anything I want with her. Enjoy the story!

Temporary note: since it is the summer, I will try to upload, but can't guarantee it. I have a 10 hour flight to Canada so I'll probably write everything then and publish a chapter a week. Hopefully.

Chapter 1: Y/N Y/L/N

Y/N's PoV

Today was the day. I was finally going to go to New Mexico. Not that I was going because I wanted to. New Mexico isn't the sort of place I would go on vacation, but I was getting tired of my cramped Manhattan flat.

"Business or pleasure?"

I snapped back to reality and looked at the airport employee.

"Uh... business," I hesitated. Why did I hesitate?

"You don't seem too sure," she said, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Sorry, I was miles away. I'm definitely here for... business," I hesitated again. Why did I keep doing that?

"Sure, nevermind. It's not as if I actually care, to be honest," she stamped the passport and moved on to the guy behind me.

The reason I was in New Mexico was for business. It was. It wasn't just for plot convenience. I was their on a business trip, as I worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. I'm not a scientist, but I have been sent to talk to some. Jane Foster and Erik Something-or-other. I'll remember his name later.

An SUV is waiting for me out front. I put my luggage in the boot, then set out for their current residence.

I couldn't help but feel like something was going to happen. Something that hadn't happened before. Like it was the first day of the rest of my life. Maybe that's why I kept hesitating. Though, technically, everyday is the first day of the rest of your life.

Looks like I'll have to stay alert for trouble.

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