Chapter 4: Loki

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After dragging the man to an 'interrogation room', an agent sat him in a chair and cuffed his hands behind him. He just stared in front of him, blankly. Coulson and I stood in front of him, ready to question him.

"It's not easy to do what you did," I started. "You made us all look like a bunch of mall cops. That's hurtful."

Coulson gave me an annoyed look, before taking over.

"The men you so easily subdued are highly-trained professionals, and in my experience, it takes someone who's received similar training to do what you did to them. Would you like to tell me where you received your training? "

The blond in front of us simply remained silent, ignoring Coulson's questions.

"Pakistan? Chechnya? Afghanistan? Then again, you strike me more as the soldier of fortune type. What was it, South Africa? " he asked. He clearly wasn't going to get an answer. He leaned closer to the man.

"You know," I cut in. " Certain groups pay well for a good mercenary. Especially HYDRA."

Coulson looked at me, then back to him.

"Who are you?"

"Just a man," he replied, finally. Not that it was a useful answer.

"Really? Up until this moment, I thought you were Build-A-Bear," I retorted sarcastically.

"One way or another, we find out what we want to know," added Coulson, ignoring me. "We're good at that."

The man lowered his head as we left the room.

"I thought they'd never leave."

I froze. Someone was in there, speaking to the man. Coulson obviously hadn't heard him, as he kept walking. I stopped to listen to their conversation, peaking through the doorway.

"Loki? What are you doing here?" asked the blonde.

Ah, so his name was Loki. He had shoulder-length raven-black hair that was smoothed back and emerald-green eyes. He was good-looking, definitely, but his outfit was a little strange considering our current location. It appeared to be a casual suit and a green scarf. 

"I had to see you," he said. He had a smooth voice, like honey. I mentally facepalmed. I shouldn't be thinking like that.

"What's happened?" asked the man. "Tell me! Is it Jotunheim? Let me explain to father--"

Jotunheim? Was that a cult?

"Father is dead, Thor," Loki replied. So the blond man was named Thor and this new person was his brother. Thor seemed stunned.


"Your banishment," Loki explained. "The threat of a new war, it was too much for him to bear."

At this point, I had no clue what they were talking about. All I knew was that the raven-haired man seemed to be subtly implying that it was Thor's fault.

I watched as the blond took in his words. He looked as though he blamed himself for his father's fate. Loki drew closer to his brother and gave him a look of consolation.

"You mustn't blame yourself. I know that you loved him. I tried to tell him so, but he wouldn't listen. " He paused for a moment, watching his brother's reactions closely. "It was cruel to put the hammer within your reach, knowing you could never lift it."

Thor kept staring into the abyss, unblinking.

"The burden of the throne has fallen to me now," Loki added.

"Can I come home?" the blond finally asked.

I, on the other hand, was desperately trying to think of a king with sons named Thor and Loki. They were strange names, to say the least, and I was now almost sure that they came from wherever the hammer did. Not from Earth, that is.

"This is goodbye, brother. I'm so sorry." The raven-haired man was speaking again.

"No, I'm sorry," Thor replied. "Loki... thank you for coming here."

"Nothing could have stopped me."

That's when Coulson walked into the room, and the strangest thing happened. He just ignored Loki.

"Farewell, brother," he said, before disappearing.

"Goodbye," answered the blond.

"Goodbye? I just got back," Coulson replied. "Now. Where did we leave off?"

"Coulson," I entered the room. "Did you not see that?"

"See what?"

Thor was looking at me curiously, clearly intrigued.

"I- Nothing," I replied. "Excuse me for a minute."

I left the room in a rush, hoping to find Loki. Many agents and scientists were working hard to fix the damage caused by Thor. I scanned the room and found the raven-haired head I was looking for. He was staring down at the hammer, intrigued. He probably wondered if he could lift it. None of the people surrounding him seemed to notice his existence. He reached down and pulled...

But he couldn't lift it. He seemed disappointed.

I walked up to him slowly, hoping to figure out why no one seemed to be able to see him.

"You know Loki, you're not the first person to try that today," I said quietly.

Loki's head whipped around as he looked at me, startled.

"You... can see me..." he muttered, shock flooding his features. "Are you a witch?"

"A witch? Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I asked him. "How come no one else can see you?"

"You shouldn't be able to see me either!" he hissed. "The illusion should fool your weak, mortal minds."

"Well then," I chuckled. "I must not be as weak as you thought."

He seemed aggravated now. He stepped closer to me, a lot closer, and gave me the dirtiest glare he could muster. If looks could kill, I would have died a most painful death.

"Maybe," he growled. "But that doesn't mean anything."

"Are you sure about that?" I questioned. "You seem fairly bothered by it, so it has to mean something. Maybe your illusions aren't as good as you thought."

Anger flashed in his beautiful green eyes. I groaned internally for thinking that, but his eyes were definitely more captivating from a closer distance. That's when I noticed him smirking. God, that smirk...

"You're an intriguing little thing, aren't you?" he said. He seemed to examine me for a moment before noticing the lack of distance between us. He stepped back quickly, clearing his throat.

"Don't speak of this to anyone, mortal." he spat.

"What, you think anyone would believe me if I did?" I retorted, quirking an eyebrow.

I saw a flicker of a smile on his face, but it disappeared almost instantly. An odd green and gold glow enveloped him, and he was gone just as fast as his smile. I sighed, heading back to Thor and Coulson.

Once I reached the room, however, Thor was gone.

"Coulson? Where'd he go?"

"Dr Selvig came to collect him," he replied. 

I sighed, unwilling to argue with him about the logic behind his decision. Deciding against informing him of Selvig and Foster's involvement in Thor's break-in, I simply sped over to my trailer and collapsed on my bed. 

I couldn't help but let my thoughts wander to Loki, and the faint smile he almost gave me. I decided that I'd find Jane in the morning in an attempt to seek out Thor. I needed to find out whatever I could about the two brothers, not only for my own sanity, but for S.H.I.E.L.D. 

Whatever it takes.

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