chapter eleven

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I woke up, and immediately checked my phone. Hayes is back with Christina. Well he's going to fix things today. And today my parents are coming home, which means I get to stay at home. I'm not mad at Hayes, but I don't want them to date.

Does this mean... I like him?

Do I like Hayes? My best friend?

I think I like Hayes.

If I could stop my self from liking him, I would. But I can't. I can't stop my feelings from being there. I wish I could, because this is going to ruin our friendship. And I don't want that to happen. I don't want to loose my best friend. Why do I like him all of a sudden? Maybe I feel excluded and pushed out because Christina is in the way. Why? I don't know. Maybe I should tell him. I mean, I think he likes me too. Think. Think. I'm not positive but I think. He kinda said he liked me yesterday... I guess. And he called me beautiful. And he saved me from drowning. And he defended me form Christina. Maybe I should tell him that I don't like Christina, and maybe they won't date? Maybe I could tell him Christina hurt me already and she'd probavbly do it again. Without thinking I took my phone and dialed his number. It went straight to voice mail.

"Hey Hayes, it's Chris. I've been um thinking a lot lately, and I really need to talk to you. So call me when you get this" I say pretty quickly.


"Well I'm going to go get drinks. Do you want anything?" Hayes asks me and I nod. He smiles, and get up and gets on the Starbucks line. Then Hayes phone vibrates. I look at Hayes, then back at his phone. I slide it over to me with my finger and see, one new voice mail from Chris. Ugh. I scoff and unlock his phone, and listen to the voice mail.

She likes him. I knew it. That little skank. I deleted the voice mail, and put his phone down like nothing ever happened. Hayes is mine. Always will be.


I sit around waiting. Waiting. Waiting. I'm already home, my parents came home a few minutes after I left the voice mail, so I'm home now. Then I got a text, from Hayes.

Hayes: staying out with Chris today(: we made up so don't wait up for me;)

Chris? But Chris is my name. I thought he knew that too. And we were supposed to hang out right after, but I guess not. Wait, did he even get my voicemail? I know I should ignore him, and let him be happy. But he didn't say anything about my voicemail. Maybe he doesn't like me, so I was wrong.

Chris: I'm so sorry for sending you that voicemail....

I texted him. Maybe now he'll say something. I really hate bothering him, because I know he's never done this to me. Ever.

Hayes: what voicemail?

Seriously. Wow. He didn't get it? Maybe it didn't go through? Maybe he just ignored it. What if he did ignore it? What if he's choosing me over Christina? Oh no, this can't happen. Why am I believing the worse? Because Christina is involved. Oh my god. I can't even believe her, and Hayes.

I spent the next few hours watching gossip girl, going on social media, and not getting the thought of Hayes out of my head, I got a text from Hayes.

Hayes: wanna hang out tonight?

I didn't answer I just sighed loudly, and put my phone on my bed. I don't want to answer right now. I need to clear my massively in pain head.I rub my temples with my fore fingers, when the least expected person walks in my bedroom door.

"Christina w-what are you doing here?" I stutter standing up, and shutting my door. This could get loud.

"I've come to talk to you" she says sitting on my bed. I stand up, arms crossed waiting for her to say something.

"Look I'm just going to tell this to you straight up. Stay away from Hayes. We are boyfriend and girlfriend now, and he has not time to think about best friends" she snorts, rolling her eyes. My eyes go wide. She thinks she's going to tell me who I can and can't talk to? Especially my best friend?

"Who do you think you are, coming in my room, in my house, telling me who I can and can't talk to?" I snap back crossing my arms. She's not telling me what to do. And I'm not going to let her think that she can.

"I know you like him" she smirks.

"He's my best friend" I say so straight forward. What a bitch.

"Not anymore. He's mine. So better keep your distance" she says now crossing her arms.

"Or what?" I ask a smirk on my face. She looks around before standing up.

"I'll tell everyone what happened to your mom. Then they'll see how crazy this family really is" she says smirking.

How does she know about that? I didn't talk about it with Hayes since...2 years ago when it happened. When my mom was put in rehab.

"You wouldn't" I say through my gritted teeth. She can't tell anyone about that. Then I'll have people up in my ass about alcohol and drugs 24/7. God. What is she doing to me? She's telling me what to do. But this is for my families sake.

"Oh I would. So keep your distance, got it?" She sneers, smirking. This little bitch.

"What would I have to do, for you to tell?" I ask quietly. I cannot believe I'm giving in.

"Don't' get in my way. Are we clear?" She asks and I nod. "Good. I'll see you tomorrow at school" she says before walking out of the room. I crouch down to the floor, and cry. Why is she controlling me? I can't let her tell anyone this. Only Hayes knows. He's the only one that knows. Cora hasn't told anyone, I know that for a fact.

Well I guess I'm going to have to do what she says.

Until I find something to take her down.



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