Chapter 14

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Mycroft rubbed his temples tiredly. The French ambassador and the Russian ambassador were arguing over protocol and the Chinese General was butting in with suggestions on military action. Anthea set his fourth cup of tea down. He thanked her quietly and checked the time. It was only noon. The meeting had started at eight. He groaned inwardly. Jordan spoke up for him.

"Gentlemen, gentlemen! The situation is easily rectified. Marcus Lane will be arrested and held in the Tower under the supervision of MI5 while the Security Council is convened. He will be tried under a court of international jury to allow you all your say in the matter but he will be punished under British Law as he is a British citizen. I assure you, it will not go easy for him."

Mycroft sighed in silent thanks that he had her with him. He glanced at his notes, frowning and blinking a few times as his vision blurred. He shook his head and it cleared. He sighed again. He hadn't been sleeping well. Amy had been worried and probably for good reason. He didn't get sick often but this felt like the onset of something. His head was pounding and his throat was dry. He sat up.

"Thank you, Miss Close. Now, on to the matter of rectifying the revealing of identities. Director Piotr Karichev has agreed to step down being that his identity is compromised. As for our operatives, we may need to wipe them from the systems. Top operatives, those we are able to save, may need to be retired and put into teaching new operatives."

"And what about the breaches in information?"

He smiled slightly. "I have someone working on that right now."

The CIA Director, Nathan Hanes, looked skeptical. "Yes, who is Amelia Bryne?"

"A woman of surprising intellect who is devoted to the Archives she guards. She is working directly with our IT department to find a solution to both recover and protect files."

"And what does she have to recommend her other than the things you've just stated?"

Mycroft looked the man in the eye. "My backing and complete faith."

There was silence.

Everyone at the table knew that Mycroft's opinion was a sound one and not to be taken lightly.

Hanes looked back at the file. "Hang on... I recognize her. She's the woman who came with you. Where is she?"

"She doesn't have the clearance to join us as of yet."

"Then why bring her?"

"I'm supervising her work as well as her promotion. May we continue?" Hanes looked away. Mycroft sighed. "Now, what are we to do about this evident breach in security that was no doubt carried out by moles?"


Amy stretched and looked at the clock. One o'clock. "Hey, Reagan. You wanna go for a walk? I need a break." Reagan stood and waited by the door. She followed Amy out, letting her lead the way. "Let's go see the fountain. I hear it's magnificent."

She texted Mycroft, knowing that he'd want to keep tabs on her even though he was busy.

Going to walk around town. Hope it's going well.


Mycroft's headache had grown into a migraine by 3:10. He checked his phone and rubbed his temples again. Frowning, he opened a text message from Amy.

Going to walk around town.

He slipped his phone away, glad that she had told him. He worried about her what with Lane lurking.

"Mycroft?" Jordan whispered as the French General was speaking. "You okay?"

Anthea had been watching him closely for ten minutes and Jordan had finally noticed something was wrong as well. His face had gone from pale to red in the last two minutes. They could easily see his pulse racing in his throat. He shook his head but waved off their concern.

"I've come down with something is all. 'M Fine." He reached for his notes and fumbled, accidentally pushing them off the table. Anthea stood and took his arm.

"Excuse us, General. Mr. Holmes has been rather sick the past few days. We'll return in a moment."

Mycroft blearily followed her lead and let her pretend not to help him as he left the room. Jordan followed. They closed the heavy wooden door and helped him lean against the wall. He loosened his tie and took off his jacket. Anthea took it from him before she gently touched the back of her hand to his forehead.

"Your pupils are dilated and Jesus, you're burning up. Go lie down. Jordan and I can handle the rest." He waved her off and started walking down the hall.

"I just need some fresh air."

She ran to stand in front of him. "Sir, please. I insist you lie down."

His stomach chose that moment to churn. He held a hand against his mouth, breathing deeply through his nose. Jordan took his arm in her hand and silently urged him to lean on her. She looked at Anthea.

"Bathroom. He's gonna throw up."

A high pitched whine echoed through the hall. They paused but as they heard a pot crash in the kitchen, they disregarded it. Mycroft stumbled to the nearest bathroom. He was just at the door when violent coughing, shouting, and cursing came from the boardroom. The door vibrated.

"Let us out!" Someone shouted. "Help! Help us!"

Jordan let go of Mycroft and ran to open the door, pulling her gun out as she did. She coughed and heaved the heavy door open. "Everybody out! Come on." She coughed and pushed the last man out. A whiff of ammonia trailed after him. They ran down the hall. Jordan's eyes widened and she ran to follow them. "Move! Out of the suite! Out!"

Mycroft lurched to follow but a sudden crash shook the floor, forcing him to his knees. He turned and watched as a wall of flame came his way. Two pairs of hands pulled him up and he forced his legs to work just enough to bring him to the large open lounge. The fire dissipated as it reached an open area but it continued to rage at its source.

Mycroft coughed against the smoke and turned to see the others leaving. He waved at Anthea and Jordan while pushing himself up. "Go. I'm coming".

The fire alarm tripped the sprinklers but all they did was click uselessly. The siren stopped. Someone had cut the system.

They helped him up. Anthea froze and looked out the window. Mycroft followed her gaze and saw the beam of red shining through the window. He grunted as a weight suddenly pushed him down. Glass shattered and the sound of a sickening, wet impact followed. Anthea cried out and hit the floor.


Jordan pulled at Mycroft. "I have to get you out. I can hear sirens, come on. Ambulance should be outside."

He shook her off and struggled to his feet. "Take her, go!"

The room spun suddenly and his knees gave out. He collapsed to the floor beside his assistant.


The world faded from him, leaving only the thought that Amy, at least, was safe.

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