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We walked hand-in-hand towards the pack house and he leant over, "I'm so glad I finally found you."

"Ditto." I repeated, and he laughed the same laugh, throwing his head back once again.


As we re-entered the pack house his hand left mine and with it, the warmth and tingles that had encompassed me.

I frowned at first but I could understand if he didn't want people knowing just yet that the soon-to-be Alpha of the Red Moon pack had found his mate.

We started up the stairs to the residential floors when Jake suddenly stopped and a man appeared. He was tall and lanky, freckles lightly dotting the tops of his cheeks and nose. His violently red hair bounced softly as he turned and his hazel eyes met those of Jake's.

"Alpha," he bowed, his eyes now shifting to the small guy that seemingly shadowed his leader - me. "Oh," his face suddenly became lighter, a sparkle appearing in his eye and a smile gracing his features, "I'm sorry. Am I interrupting?"

Jake turned his head slightly to almost look back at me. His posture stiffened though, and before his eyes could meet mine, he turned back to the red-head.

"No, Harrison. What is it?" Jake sighed, a crease forming above his brow.

Disappointment swelled inside of me as my shoulders slumped and I unconsciously took a small step away from my mate.

Harrison seemed to notice, his facial features questioning my movements and the manner of his Alpha.

Jake, realising Harrison wasn't going to answer any time soon, continued, "Hayden was just giving me a tour of the pack house, we're finishing up now anyway."

Another jab of sadness and disappointment shot through me.

A smirk found its way onto the face of the man in front of us. "Is that so? I suppose you weren't paying very good attention when Alpha Clyde gave us a tour earlier this evening?" A questioning brow now accompanied his smirk.

Jake faltered. His ears began to turn pink as he stumbled over his worlds, "Well, I-uh, well um-."

Cute, Ben sighed in my head. I didn't realise it was possible for him to get flustered.

A small smile graced my lips.

Harrison suddenly moved his inquisitive eyes from his fumbling Alpha to me.

"And who might this 'Hayden' be to be the cause of such a rare sight?" He asked, referring to Jake's reaction.

My eyes widened and I took another step back, nervous with the acknowledgment. "I-uh, um you see, -um."

Harrison cooed, "Oh my gosh! You are just so cute when you're all nervous and bashful. Look at those rosy little cheeks! I-"

A low growl ripped through the empty hallways as a very angry Alpha stepped in front of me. I could practically feel the heat pulsing out of his body.

"I knew it!" Harrison squealed, jumping up and down. "I'm so happy! You've finally found him! Oh my gosh!!"

Harrison narrowly dodged Jake as he ran to me. I froze, somewhat surprised as he grabbed my face. "Aaaaahh!! Jakey! He's so cute, of course it's only typical you get the especially adorable one. Just look at h-"

"Harrison!" Jake finally butted in. "That's enough. You can't tell anyone about this. We haven't spoken much yet, there's things we need to sort out, please." The last word came out as a hushed plea.

It dawned on me that we were still standing half-way up the staircase while having this entire disjointed conversation. Luckily it was late at night now and most people had either gone to bed or at least their rooms, leaving the hallways quiet and empty.

Harrison dropped my face and rolled his eyes, turning to his Alpha. "Fine, you're secret is safe with me." He turned back to me though, "Don't worry Hayden, I can already tell we're gonna be the best of friends!"

I shyly smiled to him.

The red-head finally returned to his original spot and his face to the same neutral one he had before spotting us.

"I'm taking a sharp turn here, but for good reason," he glanced up and down the staircase as if the already looming silence wasn't enough to calm his suspicions, "your father called." Jake stiffened. "He found more information on..." he glanced at me, "... the situation. Wants you to return to the pack immediately."

"Fuck." Jake hissed under his breath. "Of all the fucking times."

What situation? Why can't they talk about it in front of me?

"I'll, um, leave you two to it." Harrison responds warily.

"Harrison," Jake calls out, "have everyone ready to leave within the hour. I'll meet you out front."

My heart sank as the crease in Jake's brow returned and his shoulders slumped once again, in defeat.

"Y-you're leaving?" I finally found my voice.

"I'm sorry, baby. I have no choice. My pack needs me." He wouldn't look me in the eye as he massaged his temples.

"When will I see you again?"

"I don't know. I'll come back, but our pack is in a dangerous place at the moment. That's why this alliance is so important. Please understand, Hayden." His voice was soft and he finally looked at me.

I stepped towards him, reaching my hand to cup the side of his face. As soon as it did, sparks erupted and Jake leaned into my hold, the crease in his brow releasing at my touch.

It made me feel warm and happy knowing I had such an effect on him. That I could help him even while not knowing the cause of his stress.

"It's ok, I understand." I tried to put up a strong facade.

He leaned down to me, lips touching mine so softly that they were gone before I even realised they were there.

He moved away, down the stairs to the ground floor. "I'll come back for you, I promise. I won't be long."

His words hung in the air. Why did it feel like he was saying goodbye, for real?

Why did it feel like it'd be a while before I saw Alpha Jake Smith again?

"I'll be waiting." I whispered so quietly that even if he was still in the same room, he'd struggle to hear me.


ta-da!!! here it finally is! the second chapter of Apart. i really hope whoever reads this story really enjoys it and feel free to drop any comments or questions or anything!!

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