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I said one last goodbye to the family that had gathered before Zane jumped into action and we raced into the forest...

... to my inevitable doom. Ha.


It didn't take long for my legs and butt to start aching as Zane twisted and weaves through the forest. It was tiring. I had to stay alert so I could brace myself against his every move to avoid being thrown off.

Time moved fast, however. I didn't realise it was the second half of the day until the sun had dropped from the sky and darkness had enveloped us.

Hey, I think it's time we stop for the night. I heard Zane say in my head.

"Yeah, I'm exhausted." I answered him with a sigh that my entire body leant into.

You're exhausted?! He asked incredulously as he came to a stop under a particularly large tree, I've been doing all the fucking work, asshole.

I cringe as his language by snickered none the less as I hopped down from his back.

Zane grabbed his backpack in his mouth and walked behind the tree, emerging as Axel only moments later wearing a pair of jeans.

I rolled my eyes, "We're in the middle of he forest and you still only half dress yourself."

"Hey now, you never know when a hot lady rogue is gonna turn up." He winked in return.

I ignored him as I set up our sleeping bags and settled down into mine with a sandwich made by my mother only hours ago.

Axel soon joined me, shuffling his sleeping arrangements closer to mine.

I raised my brow at him.

"What? It's cold."

"Maybe put a shirt on and you won't notice it," I roll my eyes for what seems like he millionth time and definitely not the last.

"Shut up."


It was around 5am that I woke up the next day. Surprising for me but also not so much if you considered the fact that the sun had found its way to shine directly through the trees and into my eyes.

I rubbed my eyes and looked around.

The forest looked so different in the morning air. It was cooler, crisper and somewhat cleaner, dew sparkled on the leaves of low hanging trees, birds could be heard and seen flying from branch to branch. I could even see a rabbit in the distance, digging for its breakfast.

As I sat up further it looked up. Twitching it's nose at us, he sensed the danger and fled.

Everyone just seemed busier in the mornings, more alive. That's why it was my favourite time to run.

I reached over and shook Axel awake, passing him another sandwich and a bottle of chocolate milk. The guy lived for it.

He smiled warmly in thanks and sat up slightly to eat.

I would never admit it to his face but Axel really was attractive. Even I could acknowledge that.

His buzz cut suited his sharp facial features well and the freckles that dotted his cheeks and nose only added to his good looks. It was no wonder girls fell at his feet, especially with his deep blue eyes and the smile that made literal sparkling noises.

I shook my head. If I was seriously thinking about Axel's good looks, I think it's pretty dam obvious that I'm trying to avoid thinking about my mate.

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