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His words hung in the air. Why did it feel like he was saying goodbye, for real?

Why did it feel like it'd be a while before I saw Alpha Jake Smith again?

"I'll be waiting." I whispered so quietly that even if he was still in the same room, he'd struggle to hear me.


It seemed that as soon as I reached my room, exhaustion rolled over me like a wave crashing against the shallows.

I only managed to remove my shoes before I flopped, ungracefully onto my bed and fell asleep.

My dreams plagued with thoughts of a certain blonde-haired Alpha.


I  woke to find a strong arm wrapped around my torso. The faint tingling sensation alerted me of who the stranger was.

I rolled over to face my mate only to find him already awake.

"Good morning, Hayden baby." He leaned towards me and pecked the tip of my nose.

"Jake? What are you doing here?" Confusion evident on my face.

A content smile was on his face as he looked at me. "I missed you. Do I really need a reason to come see my mate?"

The confused frown turned into a full blown smile as I leaned in to kiss him.

I tried to pull away to tell him how much I had missed him too when his arm pulled me closer to his body. He deepened the kiss and I happily obliged.

Just like every other time our lips had met, sparks went flying.

My hands reached up to tug at his hair as he flipped us over, him on top of me.

He moaned as I sucked on his bottom lip, one of his hands travelling from my waist to under my shirt and over the lean stretch of muscle. His touch left a path of fire everywhere it went.

His tongue fought with mine, his inevitably winning and my back arched from the mattress up to meet his body.

"Baby, don't do that." He breathed, "I won't be able to stop."

"Maybe I don't want you to." I said between kisses.

We broke apart momentarily, his eyes darkening to the deep shade of blue I'd seen once before. I gave him a quizzical look. Daring him to do it, challenging him to give us both what we wanted.

Jake made a growling sound of approval before smashing our lips together once again. Both of us heavy with lust. He ground his now erect member against mine and we both moaned into the kiss.

His hand travelled down further until he reached the waist band of the boxers I slept in, and he slipped-


I jolted awake.

Rubbing my eyes, I sat up just in time to see my sister fly through the door.


"Alice!" I challenged half-heartedly.

"Will you get up already! Chelsea's been nagging me about you all morning. Sometimes it's difficult to remember she's my daughter and not yours." Alice explained with a exasperated sigh.

Chelsea is literally the best kid I've ever met. She is related to me so it's not really that much of a surprise. For her 7th Birthday earlier this year, we asked the school if we could hire the craft room for a day. Chels and her friends spent the entire day eating and crafting all sorts of stuff. She even made me a tower out of tissue boxes because apparently I use way too many tissues.

It's true, but I couldn't tell her why I go through so many. She's too young for that.

"Give me a bloody chance to wake up, Ali." I rub my eyes as I add, "Let me have a shower and some breakfast and then I'll come see her."

She rolls her eyes and turns to leave, before saying, "I think you should also take care of that little friend of yours!" Her laugh echos through the room as she points to something on the bed.

My eyes follow her finger once she's closed the door, only to find my painfully erect dick forming a tent with the sheets.

"Dam it." I say as I'm reminded of the events that occurred during my dream. Somehow I get even harder as my mind conjures where the dream ended.

I guess I'll be enjoying a nice cold shower this morning, I say to Ben as he laughs in agreement.


hey!! it's me!!! i really hope you're enjoying the story so far and i especially wanna thank anyone who's reading just for reading it haha
i was gonna keep to a one chapter a week sorta schedule but i had this chapter waiting and i kinda just wanted to chuck it out there so i hope y'all enjoy 💓🌸

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