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A week ago I thought that my life has finally taken quite a turn and that I would finally be back to making more friends, but as it now seems, that was just an illusion and nothing else.

I mean, just because I made a couple of friends, doesn't change the fact that I still hesitate from making friends.

Anyways Virajas didn't once made a attempt to talk with me since our first talk that day, and maybe I am the reason for that.

So anyways, my life still suck, though it's still better because of Rahul and Prachi.

"Ru, are you ready ? We should leave now. " I heard Dhruv calling me.

"Yes Bhai, just a minute. You take out the car." I replied.

"Okay, but hurry." He said.

And I gathered whatever was needed and made my towards the car.

"Okay, let's go." I said giving Dhruv a big smile.

"You really seem more happy to go to college these days than before. You know that right." Dhruv said as he put on his seat belt.

"Ya ya, I know." I said.

When we reached, I quickly got out of the car after giving Dhruv a hug.

"See you later." I said.

"Yeah, about that. I am sorry Ru, but tonight I won't be at home. I have to go for some meeting. But I would be back by tomorrow evening." He said.

"But Bhai, you know I can't be alone. I get those nightmares, and you are the only one who can calm me." I said feeling a little sad.

"I know Ru, and  I feel terrible for doing this, but I have no other option. You can invite your friends over." He said.

"Yeah, I will ask Prachi if she can come over." I said.

"Just message me. And don't invite Rahul, okay. I don't want any guys coming over." He said sounding a little protective.

"Yeah Bhai, I know. But if she can't come over, can I go to her place. ?" I asked.

"Of course." He said smiling.

"Okay then. Bye. But just keep your phone with you all the time." I said.

"Of course, I will. Okay you better get going, or you are gonna be late." He said.

"Right. Bye Bhai. I love you." I said.

"I love you too." He said and left.

"You know the worst thing happened today." Prachi said as soon as I approached her.

"What are you talking about ?" I asked.

"You remember Maira ?" She asked.

"Yeah, I do." I said.

"Well her asshole  of a boyfriend dumped her today. She is really sad. And so I invited her to my place today. So I am gonna ditch college today. Sorry Ruhi." She said.

"Oh crap, that sucks. And you don't need to apologize. You should be with her right now." I told her.

Then she hugged me and left. I was thinking about how crappy luck I have, when Rahul came and sat beside me.

"You seem off today. What's the matter ?" He asked.

Then I told him everything. And he listened to it quietly.

"Well, I am sure you can't over at my place nor can I come at yours. Your brother must have said so." He said smiling.

"Yahtzee." I said.

"Well, then if you need anything, at anytime, just call me, okay." He said.

"Yeah. Thank you Rahul." I said smiling.

"But... I am really sorry that I have to go now.  Because I have to be with the guys today. Sorry Ruhi." He said.

"It's alright Rahul. It's not like you owe me all your time. Go ahead. After all they were your friends before me." I said.

"Thank you Ru. You are the best. And, it doesn't matter who my friends were before. The only thing that counts is that you are my friend. Just remember that." He said and left.

The rest day I spent alone. Though Rahul have me company whenever he could.

After college, I decided to walk home. But that was a really bad idea. Because just after sometime, I got tired of even taking one step.

Then while I was walking, Virajas rode just by my side. And I so badly wanted him to stop and ask me whether I needed a lift. But then I knew that's not possible.

But to my surprise, he stopped a little ahead.

"Need a ride ?" He asked when I reached near him.

"Yes, please." I said smiling, without giving it a second thought.

"Well then hop on." He said flashing me his cute smile.

But the whole ride none of us said a thing. We rode silently. Honestly it was kind of awkward.

"Thank you so much." I told him when we reached.

"Yeah, anytime." He said and left.

Later, I spent the entire day doing home work, cleaning the house, watching series and then prepared myself a dinner, and then went to sleep.

And that was the most difficult part of the whole day.

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