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What I thought was a bed was a smooth stone on the ground of the cave that I was In. I went to get up but there was something off about my left leg I looked down to see that I had no leg half way under my knee. It was not a shock I knew that I would get hurt what surprised me was that there was something else in the cave with me there was a few Deadly Natters and a few Gronkles. I looked at Toothless then back at the Dragons but when I looked back all the dragons in the cave where bowing to me for some strange reason so I did the only thing I could think of I gave them a slight bow myself which was hard considering my missing leg. I looked at Toothless again and asked him to find me a stick that was long enough to pass for the rest of my leg.

He ran off leaving me with the dragons that had stopped bowing and started walking to me I got scared unroll I looked at all the dragon's eyes and saw not anger or hostility but love and compassion. After finding out that they will not kill me I started to lean back onto the wall then closed my eyes when I felt something heavy on my legs, I saw that a purple and dark blue natter had laid down next to me and is using me legs as a pillow then the rest of the dragons swarmed me making a ring around me.

When Toothless walked in with the perfect stick that I could use until I could make a better one. Toothless roared at the dragons to what I assume was 'get of him' all the dragons grumpily got off me and out of the cave. He gave me the stick and turned so I could get some rope to tie the stick to my stump.

When the temporary prosthetic was on, I tried walking around and when I was getting the hang of it Toothless walked up to me and crouched down for me to get on his back. I got on his back and he started to gallop through the cave to an open space where a great white beast was laying Toothless stood in front of the great creature and bowed so I did the same. Then I heard a series if growls, roars, and wines from both dragons. Then the giant Dragon rose from his spot and pointed one of his tusks to me and Toothless and we climb on it. The giant moved to we us down near a pool of water.

Toothless turned to me after I got off and kept looking at me then the pool then back at me, I asked him if he wanted me to get into the pool. He nodded so I got undressed and got into the pool before pulling of the peg leg.

Then I looked at the giant dragon and he did the weirdest thing he lifted his arm a bit into it he then let the blood drop it the pool. Before I could get out of the pool, I looked at Toothless and he shop his head as if to say stay in the pool so I did. I decided to float on the surface of the water and let the bloody water surround me.

A tingly feeling came over me and I looked around me and I saw that the blood made a circle around me and started glowing then all at once the dragons blood started to sleep into all the cuts and wounds that I got while fighting the Red Death. When all the blood was in me, I blacked out.

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