The Letters

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Hiccups POV

On the way back to the Dragon Sanctuary I started to fall asleep while flying when Johan's terror Fireheart flew and landed on my chest considering I was laying down on my back while toothless was flying. We have been flying together for so long that I do not even need to see what is happening I just feel the way Toothless moves. I look at Fireheart and see that there are two letters attached to her leg. the first one states...

Master H,

This letter is to explain what is going on with the second letter, hopefully, you have not read the second letter. Some new dragon has come to Berk and they are unable to capture it and though it is not doing any harm they do not want it on their island. The rest of the information is in the second letter.

~ Trader Johan

I closed the first letter and looked at Toothless. “Trouble at Berk Tooth, Johan says that there is a “new” dragon that the Berkians want to go,” I told Toothless. I look at the second letter.

Dragon Master,

We have a dragon that we want to go and the stories that Johan has told us this is something that you do. I will give you a deal take the dragon off my island we will not do anything to you or your dragon for the time that you are there if your dragon does not cause problems to my people or my island. We will give you lodging if you need it for the time, you are here and as soon as you are gone with the dragon the slight truce will be gone.

~ Chief Stoick the Vast

After reading the letter from Dad ‘Yes I still call him Dad’ I laughed a little bit. “Looks like we can go together bud.” 

Toothless looked happy that I would not be left alone with my past home if you could call it home. Considering that no one liked me and made me feel useless. Now that I have left, I no longer feel useless.

I went to the desk that I had made and took out a parchment and a pencil and wrote down my answer to both letters in one. It states... 

Johan & Stoick the Vast,

I accept the truce and am pleasantly surprised that you allowed my partner and I to reside in your town when we are working to get the dragon to leave, though I must warn you that my partner is my dragon and that he is a night fury I know you have things against night fury's but you must know that he has been with me for five and a half years and he has never left my side. I look forward to meeting you in the next couple of days. I have forgotten to mention that I will be blowing a horn three times when I get close to your village so you know it is me and you do not shoot me down.

~ Dragon Master

I take the note roll it up, attach it to Fireheart, and tell her to go back to Johan and give the note to him. I then work on redressing my injuries when Fireheart is gone, I do not need her to worry about my health (she tends to do that).

After I am done redressing my wounds I go to the forge and start fixing up my armor and weapons even though most of them do not need to be fixed I look them over anyway just in case I missed something. I also sharpen all my weapons and make an extra spare for both my leg and Toothless’ tail. Toothless and I now have two spares in the satchel bag that he carries around everywhere. I look in the bags (he has two one on each side) to see if there is anything, we need to restock upon. I notice that I need to put more medical supplies in the bag on the right and that the bag on the left (the one that holds the prosthetics) has my notebook and my drawing book in it “I must have put them there when I was not paying attention,” I mumble as I take them out and place them in the bag in the right.

To make it less confusing the prosthetics are the only thing in the bag on the left and everything else goes in the bag on the right. As I go through the bag on the right, I also notice that I am running low on pencils so I add more to the little leather pencil bag that I made.

When I am done with that I go to the kitchen and get something for dinner, some leftover stew for me and some fish for toothless then we head off to bed early so when we get up tomorrow, we can get going right after breakfast.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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