Fuck my Life

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Surt Thorkelsson that bastard I forgot that he captured me. Yeah, I remember how we met I was flying around his island looking for new dragons when he shot me and Toothless down. He saw the way I was with the dragons and heard the stories that have been going around about me and wanted me to make him a dragon army. He tried to do it himself when he first heard about me but he ended up losing a leg to a dragon bite and half of his face to Monstrous Nightmare flames. Idiot tried to tame a Monstrous Nightmare. Of course, I can befriend a Monstrous Nightmare I have tamed a Screaming Death before and more but still I am glad he lost his leg and half his face he looks better this way and it is always a reminder to him that he cannot train a dragon without me. Well after he captured me the first time toothless got away and since I was not going to train dragons for him, he tortured me. Me being me I was tortured before I met him on my third year away from Berk. By then I had already taken down Drago and Dagur though Dagur is now like a friend and has his own dragon but he has promised that he will not share my secrets with anybody that I do not trust fully.

Well back to the present he is going to try to torture me again though I do not feel pain anymore I have to fake that I do or he will find a way to make me feel pain. I have been tortured so many times that I cannot feel pain anymore though I can still feel a positive touch. “Hey Surt how was your day? I mean well half of your day because the other half is a bit burnt. Don’t you think?” I spoke. All I needed was to stall to either think of a way out or for toothless to get me out of here. I look at Surt he does not look happy well let the fun begin. So, he has me hanging from my wrists just high enough so that I just barely touch the ground. “Well, this is comfortable.” I say sarcastically. Surt narrows his eyes at me then goes to the wall of weapons grabs a whip with hooks on the end turns back to me with a dark gleam in his eye. He had already taken my flight suit off me and changed me into prisoners’ garb which was nothing but grey shorts. “Every time I whip you, you will count if you miss a number, you will start over. You get twenty whips on your front and thirty on your back. Start counting.”

Whip “One” Whip “Two” Whip “Three” it went on and on till he got to the last whip. I did not feel the whips but with every whip I had to scream so he did not think that I could not feel it. Though I am going to pass out from blood loss. Surt pored sea water on my wounds and even though the cool water in my skin felt good I had to scream because I knew that he was pouring liquid salt on my wounds. “I will have my tribe’s medic heal your wounds and when you are healed get ready for round two.” Surt said viciously. I knew that I was safe when the old lady came in because I recognized her. Her name was Runa Grindottir. Runa was a nice old lady she was exactly like Gothi but she talks. She knows my real name and that I will bring together the humans and the dragons. Runa knows this and she wants that to happen but the problem is that she cannot go against Surt as he is the chief and if she were to let me go, he would know and she would get hurt and I cannot let that happen so all I ask her to do is heal me. When she is done healing, me she told Surt that I had to be left alone for a week and then they can torture me again she also said to get me some food and water to replenish the blood that I have lost during the torture session.

I knew that he was only going wait about three days until he would take me back to the room for the next session.

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