The worst day of my life

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I'm sorry pups that i haven't been updating i have been busy with getting ready for the things coming up

When I hit the ground, I woke up to see that I was encased in Toothless’ wings. When I looked out slightly from his wings, I saw my father and the people of berk. " Toothless are you ok?" I asked him "yes now be quiet so they still think that I'm unconscious" he whisper-yelled at me. I looked out of his wings again and I saw my dad walking towards us with an axe so I took matters into my own hands I climbed out of Toothless’ wings to look at the people they almost made me laugh at the looks of shock on their faces but this was a serious matter so I did not laugh.

Astrid Pov

I saw the night fury and I shot I down with the bola I heard a dragon scream along with a manly scream which got me thinking about one trader Johan's story about the dragon whisperer. When the dragon hit the ground, I saw movement under his wings and after a few minutes Stoick was walking up towards the dragon and was about five feet away when we all saw the movement again and a masked man about my age climb out from under the dragons' wings, he had a missing leg that was replaced by a weird contraption and armor that looked like it was made of dragon scales. He climbed out on his hands and knees and when he tried to get up, he fell back down for some strange reason.

Hiccups Pov

When I climbed out from Toothless’ wings I was on my hands and knees when I tried to get up I fell on my butt " dam it why do I keep forgetting to change to my walking mode" I said while I reach down and chance my foot from flying to walking mode in front of the Berkians which got a few oohs and awes out of Gobber when It was changed, I got up turned to Toothless and started to cut away the bola when I need Stoick say this "what are you doing boy" I laughed and said "cutting my dragon free what do you think I'm doing" I said right after I cut the last of the rope off that is also when toothless decided to get up and surround me with his tail and start growling at the Berkians.

Sorry again pups for not updating for a wile we have been planing for my brothers birthday party so again I apologise. I hope you like this chapter.

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