'Meeting S. H.'

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Bella Stone is wandering around the London, but unlucky of her rain started to pour. The rain is like a storm.

She is running from the rain for two minutes now, until she saw which she can stop by until the rain stop.

She glance on her side and saw that she is on the baker street. Bella sitted on the ground bring her knees closely to her chest.

She never been soaked this wet from the rain, she always has umbrella. Well not now apparently.

Now, what she'll do since she have no enough money to afford a small condo on a army pension. Yes, she's from Afghanistan war just like John. She was the captain, but didn't end up too well.

A creak of door startled her. She cursed under her breath before looking up to be meet by a familiar eyes. John Watson.

"Bella?" John asked while holding an umbrella on his left hand.

Bella nodded, slowly standing up.

"God! What are you doing out here?!" He asked in a soft, but loud voice.

"Just wandering around the London, since I don't have enough money to afford a condo." Bella said lowly smiling a little, that the both of them know that it is just a fake small smile.

"Come in here, come.." John said while he bring Bella inside the apartment.

"Look at you captain.. Soaking on wet. You better change upstairs." John said while helping you to take off your coat.

"I'm not your captain anymore, so stop calling me like that. Anyways thanks, but I think I'll be fine. I'll just wait for the rain to stop here." Bella stated, giving John a thankful stare for letting her in.

"Oh no, not gonna happen Cap- Bella. You need to change clothes or you'll catch cold." John said to Bella with a worried expression.

Bella just shrugged don't know what to do next.

"Mrs. Hudson! I need a tea upstairs, I have a visitor." John said loudly through the door near the stairs.

"Just this once dear, I'm not your house keeper." Mrs. Hudson said loudly enough for John to hear.

John and Bella make their way upstairs.

"John? Who is there?" A deep voice echoed from the room.

It appears to be that deep voice is from Sherlock.

"Sherlock, meet Bella Stone. Bella, meet Sherlock Holmes." John said introducing the both of them to each other.

Bella and Sherlock shared a glance.

"Nice to meet you, mr. Holmes." Bella said while she was about to offer her hand, but she remember its wet from the rain.

"Sherlock, please." Sherlock said while he is examining her from head to toe.

"So, Afghanistan it is." Sherlock muttered, while John is just smiling.

"How did you know?" Bella asked with a surprised look.

Before Sherlock could answer, Mrs. Hudson appeared with a cup of tea on her hands giving it to Bella.

Bella muttered a thanks to her.

John put a towel around her, while she's sitting on the sofa.

"You were wondering around the London, probably looking for an apartment that cost a low price. You are tired, I can say by the state of your knees. You called your brother, but he's not answering you since he had no intent to help you anyways. Welcome to London." Sherlock said while giving her a smile.

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