'Its your love bites'

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Two days have passed, Bella just texted John that she arrived, but after that they are still not hearing anything from Bella.

Sherlock is hiding the fact that he is in fact worried with Bella not calling John. Same the goes with John. But they didn't know where Bella will go, so they can't do anything.

With that two days Bella is off at the apartment. Sherlock's violin is filled the room, especially at night.

Its like Sherlock is remembering every bit of her, by playing his lullaby song for Bella.

He just can't bare Bella away to him and not just there at the couch watching him.

He'll be a mess if Bella didn't go home quickly.

He drop his violin and now pacing around the room, with his hands on his head.

"Why isn't she still home?" Sherlock asked irritately.

John look at him, confused if he is asking John or he is just talking to himself.

"She said she'll be a month away, Sherlock." John stated, drinking his tea.

"I know! But still.... I need her now... It's making me crazy John!" Sherlock said loudly while still pacing around the room.

"Then you shouldn't shout at her that night." John stated, making Sherlock stop pacing.

"What do you mean shout? I never shout at her." Sherlock asked confusedly.

"Incase you forgot it, Sherlock you shout at her the night before she left. About that love bites." John stated, finishing his tea that is cold now.

"What? I didn't shout at her. I just said it loudly." Sherlock said looking innocently.

"Well for Bella, it seems you shouted at her. Maybe that's why she left, she can't bare to see you mad at her." John explained while staring on his empty cup.

"But, I am not mad John." Sherlock said waving his hand to the air, while pacing slowly with his hand on his waist.

"Too late to say that." John said while getting himself a tea again.

"Then why did she said she have a case?" Sherlock is even more confused now.

"For some people it might be true, but she might just said that for excuse." John explain more about how people is doing something to their feelings.

"Excuse for what?" Sherlock asked, tilting his head for John to explain further.

"For someone not to worry. Like Bella to you. She's worried that you'll be worried if she will be gone without a proper excuse." John explained further.

"Why would she care if I am worried? Anyways I'll still be worried no matter what." Sherlock stated.

"Exactly that's why you shouldn't have said that things to her." John said looking to Sherlock who is still slowly pacing around the room.

"I just maybe talking out loud that time." Sherlock said slacking off his body to the couch where Bella slept.

"Then you shouldn't talk out loud. You hurt her feelings!" John said loudly at the last part.

"But it is the truth John! Mycroft sucking on her neck.. It makes me jealous! Just thinking of it, thinking of it John!" Sherlock said loudly while putting his head on his knees.

Sherlock admitted to John that he is just jealous. Somehow John is happy because Sherlock finally admitted it. But still John is worried of what Bella will do, or what will happen to Bella.

John let out a sigh, 'He still doesn't have any idea about what he did' John said to his mind.

"Sherlock." John called him.

"What?" Sherlock asked still his head on his knees.

"Its not Mycroft that gave that love bites." John said while fighting himself to smile.

"What do you mean? Is this a confesion? That you are the one who did it and not Mycroft?" Sherlock asked sarcasm are found on the words he said.

John let out a small laugh, while looking at Sherlock.

"What? So it is you then?" Sherlock asked while you could see that he is imagining now John sucking on Bella's neck.

It makes him more, more and more crazier than ever.

"It's yours Sherlock. Your love bites." John stated grinning widely.

Sherlock snapped his head up, and stare at John.

"M--e? I... I am the one who gave her that love bites?" Sherlock asked, his eyes widened, his face shocked.

Sherlock stand up slowly and pace around the room again.

"I am the one who give that?! Me?!" Sherlock asked loudly, you could see at his face that he is happy by that. But he need Bella to go home now. Or he'll be a mess.

John nodded letting Sherlock process what he just said.

"But when---" John cutted Sherlock by saying,

"The night you are drunk Sherlock. That night." John stated.

Soon, Sherlock tried to remember it and he remembers it quuckly. On how he kiss, sucks on her neck leaving marks that she is Sherlock's property. She is only Sherlock's property. On how he almost make out love to Bella. On how he almost make Bella moan. He remembers now exactly of what happened.

"She didn't stop me sooner." Sherlock said while looking to John for some answer.

"Simply because she enjoys it. And she loves you." John explained, smiling widely.

Sherlock is now even more shocked, happy. But at the same time desiring for Bella now.

Sherlock felt like his heart skip a beat. Bella loves him. That is the most happiest thing that he heard.

Bella loves him...


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