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Bella is now in the operating room, Mycroft's men are surrounding the hospital just in case someone is trying to do something to Bella.

Sherlock is sitting, his head on his hands. He's staring at the ground.

"You need to convince him to investigate what happen." Mycroft said to John.

John nodded and make his way to Sherlock, and put his hand on Sherlock's shoulder.

Sherlock didn't move. Which making John worried.

"Sherlock you need to do something, we need you to investigate since you are the only one who can know who is the master mind of the shooting." John explained still holding his shoulder.

Sherlock didn't even blink, still not moving.

"You need to do this Sherlock, for Bella." John whispered to him.

Sherlock slowly looked up, he wipe the tears coming out from his eyes. Even John can see the hurt from his eyes.

Sherlock stand up, slowly making his way to Mycroft with John follwing him.

"I need you to say exactly what Bella said to you." Sherlock said in a low voice.

Making Mycrofy looked at him with a worried face, he never saw Sherlock like this since they were kids.

"I want you to buck down when I pull away and head back where John is standing. There is a sniper pointing at you, and if they can't target you they will target your pressure point which is your little brother----" Mycroft is explaining when Sherlock cutted him off.

"Not that.. The very last part." Sherlock said still his voice is low, and deep.

"Atleast now I can do something I will not regret, save you and especially your little brother. Take care of Sherl." Mycroft said while putting his hands inside his pocket.

Sherlock closed his eyes leaning on the counter. Thinking of how Bella said that.

Mycroft and John looked at him confused, but mostly worried.

'She still thinks of me, even if she is about to die. Bella...' Sherlock said in his mind, remembering Bella, her laugh, her eyes, almost everything about Bella for a minute before finally opening his eyes.

Sherlock looked to Mycroft like he knows who is it.

"The one you and her saw from the corridor of British Government. He's the one." Sherlock stated.

"How do you know that he is the one?" Mycroft asked now holding his umbrella.

"Looked at your pocket then." Sherlock said pointing the left pocket of Mycroft's pants.

Mycroft reach for his left pocket and felt something. Or rather evidence.

He brings it out, and examined it.

"What is this?" Mycroft asked Sherlock while holding the evidence: USB.

"Obviouly a USB Mycroft." Sherlock said sassyness is found on his voice.

Mycroft brings out his laptop and started to read the files of the USB. He opened a file named: 'Mycroft Holmes is next'.

Then there is it, the fellow captain of Bella who is stating that Mycroft is the next to kill.

"You just need to know where he sent it. Then its finished. Am I allowed to go back to my sit now?" Sherlock asked before Mycroft could say something, Sherlock is back now on his seat.

"How did you know that there is a USB there?" John asked sitting beside Sherlock.

"Simple. Bella putted it there." Sherlock said.

"But, how did she get it?" John asked, more and more questions.

"She didn't get it, she snatched it from the owner. Bella acted strange when he saw her fellow captain, making Mycroft convince that the captain is the one who cause all of what happened at Afghanistan, which he is right, but that Captain and Bella just finished talking when they saw each other again. Mycroft is busy talking to the phone when that happen. Bella did see the USB from his pocket, so she completely flirt with her in order to get the USB on his pocket. Which makes me not so happy." Sherlock explained while the Doctors who are operating come out with sweats on their foreheads.

Sherlock, John and Mycroft turn their heads towards the doctors and quickly making their way to them.

"How's the operation?" Sherlock asked first.

"She.... uh... She's dead." The doctors are still catching their breaths.

Sherlock looked at them, with full of hurt and fear of losing Bella. John looked at them like John will kill the doctors because if John is the one who operate her then she's fine. Mycroft acted okay, but he is not.

One of the doctors rushed out...

"Let me correct that... She almost died." One of them said, who just come out from the operating room.

"She wakes up, first word 'Sherlock'. Its like this Sherlock is the reason that she's awake." The doctor said, Mycroft thanked them and they seperate their ways to the hospital.

Sherlock's face lit up, you could see happiness dancing right before his eyes.

John smile, same the goes with Mycroft you could really see at their eyes that they are happy.


Bella wakes up with a familiar music. Sherlock is playing violin for her, for  weeks. Making sure that she will have no nightmares when she is resting.

A slow clap was heard through the music, making Sherlock quickly looked at her.

His face lit up with the scene Bella smiling at him.

"Bella." He said, it came out a natural soft voice quickly taking a sit beside her, holding her hand.

"Sherlock." Bella said, the way she say it like she never saw Sherlock for a million years, while infact she's really dreaming about Sherlock when she's resting.

Sherlock smile at her.

"Do you want anything?" Sherlock asked.

"Just stay beside me alright?" Bella asked, making Sherlock smile widely.

"Don't worry, I'll be always beside you." Sherlock said giving a kiss on the hand of Bella.

And with that they stay like that, not moving. Wanting each others presence.


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