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Weeks have passed, but Sherlock is back to his old self.

Cold. Cold. Cold.

John didn't know what happened, but Bella is the one who is affected much. She didn't know what she did, making Sherlock like that.

Its past 3 am and Sherlock is playing his violin, and just behind him Bella is playing her piano.

Sherlock started not to eat, John is forcing him. But its no sense, Sherlock still is not eating.

Bella even tell him to eat, but its still no sense.

Sherlock is having depression, because of what?

Obviously because he is starting to show emotions. Which he can't. He just can't. Because its making him weak. Emotions, feelings all of it is just weakness.

Hours passed John is now infront of them telling that they had a case, which Sherlock didn't care.

"Alright, I'll come." Bella said to John.

John nodded and Bella is now wearing her coat.

They both left, with Sherlock there staring at Bella leaving with John.

Sherlock is craving for alcohol, so he takes a bath. And make his way to the bar, ordering the strongest alcohol.

All of the people knows that Sherlock is not high tolerance on alcohol's making him drunk just for two shots.


He headed out slowly making his way to the baker street. He looked at the time, Bella and John must be home now.

But when Sherlock reached house, only Mrs. Hudson is there. He sits on the sofa staring into nothingness.

Soon, Bella and John are home now. But, John is drunk too making Bella to carry him all the way home.

Bella brings John to his room, and make John comfortable on his clothes.

Bella comes out and now she saw Sherlock is drunk.

"Are you---- drunk?" Bella asked while examining Sherlock who is looking red.

"Yes, yes ofcourse I am drunk. But you know why?! You are making me like this! All of this emotions, feelings that I am getting its making me weak, Bella..." Sherlock said while crashing his lips to Bella's neck.

Sherlock suck on her neck, leaving mark. Bella is making him crazy. Or rather wild. Sherlock never felt this feelings towards Bella. Never in his life.

Bella tried to push him, but he just keeps his hand on her waist, still kissing, sucking on her neck.

Bella is trying to fight off a moan, and luckily she succeeded.

Sherlock started to unbuckle his belt, but Bella stopped him.

"Sherlock you are drunk, and you better go to bed now." Bella said while looking at his eyes.

"Kiss me first.." Sherlock said pointing his cheek.

Bella kissed him on the cheeks, so Sherlock can stop now.

Sherlock smile, but after seconds he's passed out.

Bella slowly carry him upstairs to his room, and now she slowly undress him, making him wear a more comfortable clothes.

Bella pulled up the covers to him, msking sure he's not cold.

Bella headed down stairs, playing her piano for the two men to have a good sleep.


John is the first one up, he makes his way downstairs to be found out that Bella is having a coffee.

She is staring off to something, but John saw she have love bites on her neck. He remember that is not him who did that.

"Just shut up, John. Shut up." Bella said in a deep voice making John shiver at her deep voice.

"Did I did that?" John asked curiousness got to his mind.

"For God's sake. No." Bella said, while slowly footsteps make his way to the sofa.

Its Sherlock, he put his head on his head groaning.

John looked at Sherlock surprised that he's drunk.

"Then Sherlock did that?" John asked widening his eyes, smirk playfully dancing on his lips.

Bella nodded, making John widen his eyes more.

"But just shut up, don't say anything. Don't speak, Don't talk." Bella said while her phone ring.

"Oh it's you Mycroft." Bella said through the phone.

Making Sherlock looked up to her.

"What happened to you Sherlock?" John asked asking innocently.

"Don't ask anymore John. I can't remember." Sherlock snapped at him, John smirk while Sherlock looked at him confused.

"I'll meet with Mycroft at the coffee shop. I'll be back before midnight." Bella said immediately making her way downstairs while she's wearing her coat over her white polo, two buttons unbuttons, making the love bites to see more.

Bella found it proud that first of Sherlock's desire is her. Not any body, not the most beautiful ladies on the world, but her.

"Where is she heading?" Sherlock asked John who is having a tea.

"Didn't you heard her? She's having a coffee with your brother." John said while reading his news paper.

"And why would she agree easily?" Sherlock asked, while pacing now around the room.

"What do you mean 'why did she agree easily'?" John asked looking up from his news paper.

John could see a new emotion to his bestfriend. Jealousy?

"Are you jealous?" John asked, letting a smile appear on his face.

"Ofcourse I am!" Sherlock said. He realized what he just said making him stop pacing the room, and stare at the distance.

John looked at him surprised, his mouth opened just hanging there openly.

"I mean no." Sherlock muttered going back to his seat, and take his seat.

While John is still amazed of Sherlock's slipped of tongue.

Is Sherlock really Jealous?


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