'It was all fake love..'

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Sherlock explained everything to Lestrade and within 5 hours they solved the crime.

"See you around Bella." Lestrade said sending a flirtious smile towards Bella.

Bella let out a shaky sigh, and nodded.

Lestrade is about to say something again... But

Sherlock once again interrupted Lestrade, and gesture for John and Bella that they are leaving.

"So, I uh... I have to go somewhere. See you later guys." Bella said making John and Sherlock stop on their tracks.

"What?" John asked, curiousity get to his mind.

"She said she have to go somewhere." Sherlock said while watching Bella.

"And where is that?" John asked staring at her eyes.

"Around the London." Bella reasoned.

"Where exactly?" John asked Bella again.

"I don't know. John, why do you have so many questions?" Bella asked, irritation is found on her voice.

"I'm worried. That's why." John stated, putting his hands in his pockets.

"No need to be worried. I'll come home early." Bella said, assuring John that she'll be okay.

"Alright, I have a date later so make sure you come home before I go home." John stated kissing her forehead.

"Alright, older brother." Bella said adding sarcasm at the end.

John chuckled while smiling.

"Goodbye, Sherlock." Bella said, showing him a beautiful smile.

Sherlock gave her a nod, and with that Bella left.

John is saying something, but Sherlock is staring to the road.

"Sherlock are you even listening to me?" John asked, raising his voice a little.

Sherlock looked at him, thinking of something.

Why does Bella said Goodbye? I know its normal that people say goodbye if they are leaving, but isn't she will be home later? She should've said 'See you later'

"Are you in your mind palace?" John asked staring back at him curiously.

"Ofcourse, lets just go home." Sherlock said, and with that Sherlock left John hanging there.

Bella did know where she is going. She's just lying to the both boys.

She'll go to the bar, where she could drink. To forgot things, like meeting Lestrade today.

Bella entered the bar, greeted by the loud music.

She found her way to the counter, and ordered a strongest alcohol drink.


Sherlock is pacing around the flat, unabling to figure out why he's being like that.

He finally knew the reason, because its 11 pm now and Bella is still not home.

So, Sherlock decided to call John.

John isn't answering, so Sherlock just headed downstairs wearing his coat and scarf around his neck.

Sherlock hailed a taxi, he just know where Bella would head. Ofcourse to the nearest bar near the crime scene.

Bella have now 6 drinks, of strongest alcohol. She have high tolerance on alcohol, but 6 drinks of strongest alcohol. Who on earth can endure that?

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