'A Sacrifice Piece'

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Sherlock and John arrive at the British government, they barge in the office of Mycroft to be found out that Bella and Mycroft are playing chess on the floor.

"Oh Sherlock. John." Bella said while looking confused at them.

"Thank God! I thought I lost you!" Sherlock said loudly pulling Bella to his arms.

You can see in Sherlock's eyes that he is really worried.

Mycroft looked to John hoping for some answers, but even John didn't even know why Sherlock is being like that.

"I'm fine Sherlock. Mycroft is keeping me company." Bella said while hugging Sherlock back.

Sherlock pulled away, but still he is holding closely Bella to his.

"Next time, Mycroft have a word with me before you bring Bella here." Sherlock said shooting a glare to Mycroft.

"Alright, alright. If you could excuse me, we are still playing." Mycroft said while sitting back on his place, Bella sitted back on her place and they began to play again.


After Bella win several times, Mycroft gave up.

"How can you possibly win with me your enemy?" He asked looking directly to Bella.

Sherlock and John chuckled, while you could see at their faces that they are proud of Bella.

"Mycroft. Sometimes you need to sacrifice a piece to win, your problem is you can't let any of your piece to be sacrifice." Bella explained while smiling to Mycroft.

Sherlock still amazed by Bella. But, John... he frown.. knowing something wrong will happen.

"I'll fetch you back to your apartment." Mycroft said to Bella, Sherlock is gonna complain, but Bella looked at him and shook her head.

"Okay, let's play again sometime." Bella said playfully punching Mycroft to his arm.

Sherlock is shock that Mycroft just lets Bella playfully punch him. Bella is really something.

As they headed down the corridor you can see the nervousness on John's face.

They are now at the exit door, where Bella make a gesture only she and John can understand. Under the roof of the exit area, John stood there shocked that his nervousness is really something.

Bella is standing between Mycroft and Sherlock. Little did they know, that Bella knew something is off around the British government.

Bella take a step infront of Mycroft and pulled him into a hug.

You could see the both Holmes shocked, but Mycroft hugged her back which Sherlock more shock that his brother is okay with this.

"Mycroft." Bella whispered to his ear.

"Yes, my dear?" He asked enjoying the hug of Bella.

"I want you to buck down when I pull away and head back where John is standing. There is a sniper pointing at you, and if they can't target you they will target your pressure point which is your little brother, Mycroft. I want you to trust me... A sacrifice piece have to made for you to win." Bella whispered the last part, she kissed Mycroft's cheeks, whispering,

"Atleast now I can do something I will not regret, save you and especially your little brother. Take care of Sherl.." Bella said and with that she pulled away, and a shot from a sniper echoed through the silent surroundings.

Mycroft did what Bella exactly told him, and now John bring out his gun and shot the shooter to his arms.

Next move.

Bella looked to Sherlock who is shocked, but Bella smile at him assuring that he'll be fine.

Bella put her arms around Sherlock and another shot echoed through the surroundings, now panicing people. Bella recieve the shot straightly to her back.

Mycroft immediately ordered his men to catch the shooter. Mycroft also called the ambulance himself.

"Sher....lock..." Bella whispered, trying to gain herself to the help of Sherlock's arms are around her.

For Sherlock all of what happened is like slow motion, he can't do anything about it.

Lucky Bella is still awake, keeping her gaze to John who is now infront of her.

"Good job.." She whispered smiling to him.

John get Bella to Sherlock's hand and do what he can do until the ambulance can get here.

Sherlock fall down to his knees, looking at his bloody arms, shaking.

He can't believe Bella will do something like that. He just can't understand, why of all people Bella is the one who saved him.

Everyone seems want to kill him, but Bella didn't even flinch when she is being shot, she knew that she was going to be shot.

For the first time, Sherlock let a tear slipped out of his eyes. Not just tear. Actually...

Tears is now flooding out of his eyes.

He just can't carry his heart full of hurtness seeing Bella catch the bullet in order to save him.

He didn't know why, he didn't know why he is being like that, but little did he know that only the people around him knew that.....

He is already in love.


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