Chapter 1: Our Fallen Angels

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"It's sometimes just so easy to go numb, isn't it?"


Month 1.

She didn't move during the car ride home. No, not home. Home had just shot himself in the head. No... She didn't move on the ride back to the flat. She stayed in the same position on those tauntingly plush seats, even as Basher rushed the car through a puddle, splashing water on her through the open window. The muddy water mixed with James' cooling blood covering her hands and body. Her clothes seemed to be covered in it. The only thing she had of James. She hadn't even gotten to touch his wedding ring...

She didn't even cry. She simply looked at the drying blood on her hands, remembering the sight of those beautiful brown eyes glazing over, his hand stiff in hers...

Finally she let a tear escape. It flowed hot down her cheek, dropping onto the leather seats and staying there. Teasing her. As if screaming, "He's gone. He's gone. He's gone forever..."

The realization was just sinking in, the shock dying down. She let out a volley of tears, not caring if Moran or the entire world heard. She finally moved, curling up into a small ball, weeping, "James... Please, James..." 

Her body was shaking, her hands trembling as she balled up the hem of her shirt. The sobs racked her thin frame as she let go of her shirt and hugged her body. Maybe if she hugged tight enough she would wake up to James holding her close. As if it was all some painful nightmare that could never have happened.

"Jamie..." her voice cracked, and she bit back a sob. Why would he do it? Why would he do something like that to himself? Why...?

Moran looked back at her briefly. She was on her side, curled up, barely moving other than the tremors of sobs that were racking her small body.

He shook his head, turning back to the road. That poor girl... James had been a good man. A good boss. A good husband to her. For Moran he had been the best damn employer he had ever had.

He should have stopped James from doing it. For his sake. For Beth's.

But he couldn't take anything back now. He would suffer for his mistakes.

When he finally parked at the curb to the flat, he wasted no time in getting out of his seat and opening the door for Beth. James would usually be the one to open the door for her.  But he was gone now. Moran would have to take up the gentlemanly habit.

Yet Beth didn't step out. He waited a few moments, but still, she didn't move. She stayed curled up, tears dripping onto the leather seats, blood smeared across her body.

He looked away for a second. He wasn't used to seeing her this... vulnerable. Weak. Her eyes were staring unwavering off into space.

She wasn't going to get up. Hell, she probably couldn't even stand. She was in so much shock...

He reached into the car, picking her up and cradling her small form close to his chest before carrying her inside. Placing her on the couch as gently as he could, she held onto his  sleeve.

"Don't go."


The funeral was three days later. Moran stood in front of the mirror in his room, straightening his tie. The light spilling in from the half opened curtains seemed terrible out of place. The weather should have been gloomy. Overcast. Cold. Rain should have been pouring onto the streets.

Yet in reality, it was glorious outside. A nice warm London Tuesday.

"Of course, the one time it isn't raining.." he grumbled to himself absentmindedly. The funeral was in three hours. James' funeral. The very thought of it seemed wrong. Moran had always thought that he would die first before his employer. That James Keynes Moriarty would outlive the sun by sheer denial. That maybe he would live until Beth herself died, and then maybe die a literal second after. To him, a world without Beth was no world at all.

The same was for her. A world without James was a world not worth living in.

Moran finished buttoning up his suit. James had made him buy three for special occasions.

This seemed like one of those occasions. He finally stepped out of his room, climbing up the grey stairs and through the hallway in order to get to Beth's room. The door was closed. Yet he could see the pattern of the light through where the door didn't touch the floor. He could see that Beth was sitting with her back to the door, curled up in a ball. He knocked.


She didn't answer. Didn't even turn her head. She was lost in her own mind. Beth Moriarty being lost in her own mind was never a good thing.

"Beth?!" His voice was louder now. He couldn't kick the door in without most likely giving her a concussion in the process. He slammed his fist to the middle of the door in frustration.

Beth looked over her shoulder, watching as the wooden door seemed to vibrate with the force of every hit. "Go away."

Moran heard this, but couldn't believe it. It might be the only time Beth would ever see her husband again, even if it was only his body.

"Beth, please, open the door." Sebastian's voice was small. Calming. When he wasn't speaking, and the traffic noises died down for just a second, he could hear a few small sobs from Beth's side of the door.

It took a minute or two for the door to open. When it did, Beth didn't say a word. She simply stood there, with tear tracks running down her face and red rimmed eyes, expecting Moran to do something. Sebastian wiped away a tear at her chin, before walking in. He opened her dresser, getting out a plain black dress and flats.

"Take your time, Beth. Take your time." He gave a friendly smile, hoping that she would give a small smile back just to show him that she was okay. That usual Beth Moriarty grin that made shivers run down anyone's spine...

She didn't smile. Didn't respond. She only nodded towards the door, as if to say, "Get out. Please."


Hi! Long time no angst, I'm guessing? Don't worry! I'll keep you in supply!

But seriously though, I hope you like the first chapter of the [I can't believe this] FOURTH Partners In Crime Book! I really can't believe that the series has gone on this long, and gotten so popular! I mean, 2 thousand reads for two of the books in the series [the other one catching up] is just so amazing! Thank you guys so much for reading and I'll see ya'll next chapter!

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