Chapter 3: Silent Scream

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"Our last goodbye was never said."



Month 2.

It was if something inside of her broke.

She didn't do her usual flirty greetings, or laugh. Beth never even showed the slightest hint of a smile. Not only that, but she didn't eat as much. Her appetite had decreased exponentially. It wasn't that she was starving herself - No, she would never do that. It was simply that she wasn't hungry. Ever. She continued eating, sure. But not near as much as she should have been. Before the Fall, she would eat just about 2000 calories a day. A decent amount, but still enough for her to burn plenty of calories throughout the day.

But now... That 2000 calorie diet had turned into about 1000 calories at most a day. Of course, she could live off of it. 1000 calories was the minimum caloric count needed per day. But it was a drastic change.

Moran was worried for her, of course. But he was still overwhelmed with guilt. This was all his fault. Maybe if he had just stopped him. Stopped James from going to that stupid bloody rooftop in the first place. Maybe his dear employer would still be alive if he had attempted to talk him out of it. Perhaps James would be with Beth now, reading a book or discussing heist plans. They would be laughing like maniacs, and Beth would almost be certainly chugging coffee while James sipped his tea. Ah yes, they would be so happy together. So peaceful.

He shook himself out of the all-too-blissful daydream, realizing where he was. He was on the sofa, watching as Beth ate a quarter of her breakfast before pushing it away.

"What's wrong? You normally like eggs..." Moran piped up, walking over to finish her breakfast himself.

"I do. They just taste sort of metallic," she swallowed down a bit of her juice to get the taste out of her mouth, "Do you think they went bad? They weren't in the fridge for too long..."

Sebastian took a fork out of the cupboard, and took a few bites of her cooling breakfast, "They taste fine to me."

Beth shook her head, standing up and taking a few steps to the fridge to get another glass of juice. She poured, whispering, "I'd drink more of this if it didn't taste so bitter..."


Beth was standing on the small balcony attached to her room. The wind was cold. Bitterly so. But she needed it. Needed it to snap her out of this stupid haze that she was stuck in. Plus, London was beautiful at this time. It was evening, and the sky was a mix of that beautiful purple and radiant orange that everyone seemed to love. The clouds in the distance were dark, made so by the sinking afternoon sun, and it all just seemed so... picturesque.  Beautiful and rare. Like a hidden gem.

She felt a hand on her bare shoulder, and shivered at the touch. 

"Yes, Basher?" she looked back at him, and for the first time since she lost James, she was happy. Maybe it was the gorgeous sunset, or the beautiful colors painting the sky. Maybe it was the steaming cup of homemade hot chocolate and pile of biscuits Moran was giving her in an attempt to get her to eat more. Perhaps it was the fact that it had been two months since James' death, and she was finally accepting that fact.

She didn't care about the reason. All she knew was that she was sitting next to Sebastian while they shared their sweet treats, the sky turning to night as darkness enveloped them both as they smiled.


Beth was happy the next day too. Bubbly, and giving her signature poisoned honey grin. Moran, of course, was absolutely overjoyed to see this. She ate more than her fill, and watched cheesy sitcoms with him. Without James, she was soon becoming his best friend. He was glad for that. She needed someone right now, and he was happy to be that someone. For the first time in two goddamn months, she was happy. The thought made him erupt in giddy little giggles.

She walked with a pep in her step. Confident, just like she used to be. Of course, it was obvious that James was still in the back of her mind. Lurking there, waiting for a chance to strike again and make her feel miserable again. But for now, she was happy, and that was all that mattered.


The time for Beth to be sad was the very next night. She woke up from multiple nightmares, feeling sick and deprived. It was if someone had took half of her and ripped it to shreds. She fell off the bed, dragging herself to the toilet and emptying her stomach. She just felt so very empty. So very confused. All of the glee from the previous day was gone now, replaced with malice and longing. It all just seemed so unfair. Why must she have lost him? He was what she so desperately needed. The one person who understood her. Made her feel as if she wasn't some freak to be tossed to the circus.

Why did he leave her? Why? Was she not good enough? She had always tried her best to please him... Was she not loyal? She never even dared think of any other man the way she thought of him. James left her. Why did she leave her?

She gagged as more bile rose up in her throat, hot tears falling down her cheeks.

Why? Why was she such a freak?

Why did he leave her?



What do you think? So I'm posting chapters super fast because:

A: I want to watch my friend cry because of it.

B: I want 5 chapters out by August 1st so I can apply to the wattys.


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