Chapter 10: Eliza

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"You will never know just how much I would give up to have you back in my life."


Eliza Cassandra Moriarty was born on January 2, at 3 AM.

It had been a long night for the mother. Her eyes were tired, with large bags under them. Her body and face showed increasing signs of fatigue. Yet when it was all set and done, and the baby was set in Lizbeth's arms, she couldn't help but smile. It was crying, but softly. It's hand was wrapped around her thumb. It was so small. But healthy. 9 pounds and 3 ounces.

Beth was laughing. Her baby actually looked a bit like herself, when she was just a newborn. All big eyes and a small tuft of raven black hair. When the baby opened its eyes, she couldn't help but light up inside. It's eyes were a deep, bambi brown. Just like Jamie.

"Do you have a name for her?" One nurse cooed as she swaddled the baby in a blanket, holding it so she could go and clean it up.

Beth looked a Moran, smiling. He had kept her calm throughout the whole thing, like Jamie would have.

"Eliza." Beth smiled, her voice a little hoarse, "Her name is Eliza."

The nurse replied with some sweet comment about how cute that was, or how that had been her mothers name, or something. But neither Moriarty or Moran cared. They simply looked down at the little girl, and smiled.


Eliza was brought home three days later. Her nursery was set up already, in the room closest to Beth's. It was painted light purple, with a white ceiling with stars and constellations painted on in glow in the dark paint. Jamie would have wanted it that way. He had always had such a love for the stars. Constellations too. She could remember when they had just gotten married, and were discussing if they ever wanted children. It had been a joking notion at the time. They were criminals, leaving dangerous lives. Not a good environment for a growing child. He had suggested names after galaxies and stars. Beth had suggested names after special gems and places.

Eliza's crib was handmade out of wood, with pretty patterns edged into the side. The bedding was white with multi-colored polka dots, and when Beth had first put Eliza down for a nap, the little baby had been so enamored by the colors. She was such a quiet girl. She still cried during night sometimes and gave cute little babbles, but she was still extremely quiet compared to other babies Beth had seen in her life. They were always screaming at the top of their lungs. But Eliza... She was perfect.

Moran acted like a father to her. It both warmed and broke Beth's heart to see him give little Eliza such affection and love. He would take care of her when Beth was too tired and fatigued, and tickle her little tummy to get her to laugh with her sweet angelic voice. It was all so domestic. So calming. It made Beth feel safe and protected.

But at the same time, she still knew that it should have been Jamie. Jamie should have been the one to hold her first. Jamie should have been the one to hear the little girl's first little noises - A cute little gurgle before crying. Jamie should have been there to see his daughter.

Sometimes those thoughts would go away. That was usually when she held Eliza, rocking her in her arms and talking to her. Telling her of Jamie, and how much he would have loved her with all his heart. How he would have ripped the world apart for her. How he would have done anything to keep her safe...
She learned to sing lullabies one night while she was bored. Beth would hum them at first, then sing them to her little girl with a smile. It reminder her of when she was little, maybe two or three, and Danny would always sing a lullaby to her. For a moment, she wished that she had left Daniel alive. But then again, the past was exactly that. The past. No going back now.

Daniel had always been wary of her anyways. It wouldn't have changed with age.

Beth looked down into the crib, to see little Eliza asleep. She was two weeks old now. And Beth already knew that she would keep her little girl safe.


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