Chapter 3

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" But anyway, back on the topic, i woke u up because u need to get dressed. Jin is having a barbeque with the other members and their girfriends and we need to leave around thirty minutes" He smirked as he looked down at the time on his iphone 7. My mouth gaped wide open wide.

"WHAT?! HOSEOK WHY YOU DIDNT TELL ME? I NEED TO GET READY" I screamed stressfully as i climb up the wooden stairs once again heading to my bathroom.

"Youre the one who stubornly didnt get up when i asked nicely." He said defensively grinning madly with his pearly white smile as he stared up stared up at me cleary amused my sudden stress. I looked down from the white banister. "Asked nicely? are u freaking kidding me?" i yelled back to him.

"WHATEVER!, now hurry! i want to see Nayeon! it has almost been twenty four hours."!! He said while whined childishly but that who suga was, a five year old trapped in twenty four year old body. I felt a little bit jealous when he mention Nayeon .Nearly twenty four hours? seriously Hoseok?

I raced into my marble bathroom and switched on the shower. As i waited impatiently for the shower to heat up i felt my heart break even more.

"LENA"! Jimin yelled as he opened the front door at jin's house.. More like mansion. Jimin embraced me in one of park jimin hugs and i giggled madly as he lifted me from the floor and hugged me even tighter.

"Good to see you to Jimin"Hoseok said sarcastically as he watched jimin and i embrace one another as he coolly leaned against the doorfame.

"Well Hoseok  , i think you should be thankful , i think im being stramgled to death." i joked causing jimin to pull away and pout sadly at me.

"I could never strangle you lena! who who would cook me all that delicious five star food whenever i come to visit u at your house." he said with a pout face.

"Yeah, now youre just being a suck up ji" i spoke to him and grabbing suga's hand and dragging him to come inside jin's house following by the source of sound that was coming from the back. I heard jimin whine from behind us as hobie and i ran throughout the house hand in hand laughing at jimin. I tried my best to ignore the sparks flying off of my hand as suga held onto it tightly.

When we reached the back garden, we were met with the scene of Jungkook and Rapmon was sitting at the wooden dining table outdoors of Jin's porch while Jin seemed to be preoccupied with cooking something that smelled so good.

"ITS LENA"! i heard jungkook and rapmon scream as i walked outside to join the rest of the party. They ran up to me and embraced me in another hug. They were childish sometimes but who am i to say anything when im excatly like them as well.

"Hey! how are you guys doing?" i asked happily hugging them tightly ss i smiled brightly at them. The boys have been busy writing their new comeback album so its been a while since i have seen them.

"ISNT ANYONE GOING TO NOTICE MY PRESENT?" i heard suga  scream interrupting my little 'welcoming party'

"who said that?" Jimin asked jokingly as he walked straight past hobie to take a seat at the dining table. We all burst out into laughtet as hobie pretended to fake cry.

"Aw hyung ah i still love you" jin spoke up walking towards hobie with his arms open wide as he his food on the barbeque to cook. Suga feel into jin's arms and pretended to cry on his shoulders.

"Nobody loves me jin ah!" suga murmured into his shoulder.

"Dont worry hyung , i still love you! But anyway hey lena how are you"? Jin asked politely as he made his way over me to give me a hug.

"JIN ! HOW COULD YOU BETRAY ME LIKE THAT" ! suga yelled in distress as he saw jin choosing me over him. Everyone started to laugh once again as jin hugged me and kissed me in my cheek. Aww always the charming one.

"Dont worry yoongi  ah you still have me" A female voice spokr up behind suga . Everyone tried to look behind hobie to see who it was, but i already knew..

"jennieeeee ah" Suga shouted excitedly as he turned around as fast as lightning to be gretted by the bright and smiling face of his girlfriend. I turned away my grey brown eyes to look towards the ground. Yep, Jennie stole my nickname for suga and he didnt seem to care , even though we made those special nickname for each other. I was his lenaboo meanwhile his my yoongi Not even any of the member called us that because the strictly knew it is our thing. Or should i say was...

When i looked up again to the heart breaking scene i was just in time to see suga pull jennie  into a kiss. Thankyou universe for let me see this scene.

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