Hangout with Naruto!

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Ugh he is so plain! Unlike the rest of Naruto's friends they are so happy and friendly. But something about stands out from the rest. I don't what it is..but I know it! I smiled at Sasuke and he did a "Tch". I flip my hair and pout. How rude! Grr... 

Sakura went up to me and ask, "Hey Y/N, would you like to hang around with me an the girls on Saturday? We would love to know you more!". I grab her hand and jump up and down with excitement. " I would love to go with you! Where would we meet and what time should I be there?", I ask Sakura. She took out her phone and our group exchange phone numbers. 

Ring Ring!!

Fifth period was starting now... I wish I can go home already! But it wasn't bad for my first day of school. I got new friends, no homework, and no drama. I hope.. The bell rang a  few minutes ago and I'm walking with Naruto and Hinata. Yeah I recently knew that they were together and Naruto told that literally all the girls cried! I was laughing my eyes out. Hinata was quiet most of the time.. it was so odd for me because in the Hidden Sand people were so collaborative.. We have now reach to our community and Naruto went to his apartment room with Hinata. I went through my bag and got my keys. I open the door and immediately drop my stuff, grab my purse, and ran to the hospital to visit my parents. 

10 minutes later..

I bust down the door and went to the clinic. I sign my name and rush to my parent's room. I gasp for air and reach to the door. The doctor open the door and saw me gasping for air." Are my parents okay? Are they in good condition?", I asked. He paused and walk away to his office and I followed him. He sat on his chair and gave me some documents. I snatch the papers from him and read it. One word caught said specifically that they estimated that they would be in a coma for over a year. Tear drops seep threw the paper as I cry. "More than over a year, you guys aren't lying right?", I stutter while asking. He nodded his head. " I'm sorry to inform you but, yes this is not a lie.", said the doctor. I stood up, bow down, and went out of the hospital. 

10 minutes later..

I got home sobbing my heart out..I ran to my room and locked the windows and the front door. I got to my knees and screamed until lose my lungs. As if that would ever help... A knock came to the door I yelled, " GO AWAY!". But somehow that person unlock the door and kneeled with me. It was Hinata. Naruto must've told her my room number. " What happen Y/N~san? Why are you crying?", Hinata ask as she rub my back to calm me down. 

I told her everything that happen in the hospital. She hug me so tight that I could barely breathe. No wonder Naruto would have her as his girlfriend. " It's going to be okay..I know how that feels like, you see when my mother gave birth to me she passed away. But be more confident! Unlike me, your parents are in the hospital slowly recovering while my mom is dead..You are gonna be okay..", said Hinata. I got tissues and buckets of ice cream. I leaned on her shoulder and continue eating ice cream. Hinata smiled and ate with me. She got up and help me up. She tucked me to bed and went to Naruto's room. I made a small smile and stared at the ceiling. 

A few days later...

Today is Saturday..the day where I hang out with the girls. I'm glad I went with them. Especially when Hinata is there. She was the only person that knows my darkest secret about my whole life. I got to the meeting place and saw Sakura and Ino. I waved and smiled and acted if nothing ever happen that day.. " Guess where we are going to day!", said Ino. I raise my eyebrow. I never thought about where we were going. I look at Sakura and she giggled, " Sorry Y/N I forgot to tell you where we were going.. don't worry we are just going walk around the mall and the plaza!.". I giggled as well. It was a good thing I brought my purse. Soon Hinata and Tenten came and a girl with brown sandy blonde with a small fan came. " Y/N this is Temari! She was absent when you came to our school. Temari this is Y/N, did you know she was also from the Hidden Sand?", said Sakura. Temari raise her eyebrow and saw the Hidden Sand head band wrapped around my purse. " Ah, I see..anyway is everyone here?", asked Temari. All of us nodded. " Alright on our way to the mall! Let's go shopping!", Ino exclaimed. 

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