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Hey guys it kaley updating

Kaleys pov:

I ran to where the dressing room was but I realized I had no idea where I was going. So I asked A boy with brown hair, which was quiffed up where it was. "Where's the dressing room?" I said. "Down the hall on the right. Why?" He said staring at me.

"Because I'm the costume designer and I go wherever my manager tells me and I'm new to this place." I walked down the hall mumbling my favorite song: fancy.

I walked in the room and picked out clothes for the boys. After I was done I headed to see how Kathryn was doing.

Kathryn's pov:
I walked up on stage even though the boys was checking mics and some shit like that.

"You have something on your nose." Said one of them. He had brown hair and blue eyes.

"Really?" I crossed my eyes to look.

"It's chili from my chili dog"  I tried to lick it but i can't touch my nose with my tongue so I just sat there with my eyes crossed concentrating on getting chili off my nose in front of a bunch of hot guys. Once I finally succeeded, I continued working.

I cleaned everything with this special cleaner of mine that keeps my decorations from getting messed up. I then went out to our car and got my tools. I got out the two suit cases of the stuff and went back in and sat them down and opened them. I pulled out the black puff paint and then a giant poster board and spelled MagCon in big black letters and then outlined it in blue and sprinkled it in black glitter. When I was satisfied I hung it up and backed away and admired it. I high fived myself and strung up white Christmas lights.

I was trying to open glitter when it wouldn't open. I went in full hulk mode trying to pull it off when "Kathryn need he-" then I heard a loud POP and next thing I knew I was watching glitter fly directly into someone's face. "Woah...." My eyes were wide "AGAIN AGAIN!" I said. Then I saw it was a cute guy covered in glitter. "I am so sorry!" I said trying to get it off. "Here I got it" I say.

Then I blow in his face and it goes away. "Sorry I'm Kathryn by the way" I said. "I'm Matt." He said. "No your cute." "What?" "NOTHING" I yelled and look around. "I'm out of glitter." I said and pouted. Then I got an idea. I tilted his head to the side and sweeped it off his head into my hand then blew it on my masterpiece. "Hey your pretty cool! You should come to the hotel tonight. Me cam and Nash are doing a challenge in the hotel." Matt Said.

"Okay! Can my sisters, Kaley and Karissa come?" I I asked. He said he didn't mind but had to ask the boys. They obviously said yes and we went our separate ways!

Sorry it's late. It hard to update when callmecam on twitters going on! Anywho Kaffry your turn!

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