Chapter 25

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Kaleys pov:

It was 4:30 am when I woke up to a cutie. "Sorry I woke you babe! But it's time to get ready" he said quietly. He goes to give me a kiss but I turned my head. "Ew cam I have morning breath!" I said. He laughed and I rolled out of bed. I put on some baggy sweats with my color guard warm up jacket. I slipped on my converse and finished getting ready. Cam grabbed our stuff and we headed out the door. Everyone was waiting for us to get checked out. I sat there cold and tired. I had my head resting on cams shoulder. " tired?" Asked cam. "Not at all." I said sarcastically. "Hey kaley guess what!" Kathryn asked happily. "What?" I asked. I didn't sound as happy as her. " this is our last stop for magcon. For three weeks. One of those weeks is fall break! Our grandma is taking us to Daytona with our old friend Chloe! And we can invite three more people" she said smirking. "Omg yay! Cameron your one of the three for sure!" I said happily. "Okay I don't think I have plans." He said. We got on the plane and I remembered how I'm still in colorguard. Competition start next weekend. So I'm gonna have to leave a week early from magcon. "Hey cam. What would you do if I had to leave magcon. Like job wise." I know what your thinking. Why would you quit for one silly competition. It's a whole season. I made a commitment. Besides I need to focus on school. Gosh what was I thinking. "Idk. I'd probably be sad. Why?" He asked. "Because I may have to quit." I said simply. Hoping this doesn't start drama/fights. "What why?" He asked frantically. "No more questions. But I have to leave for kentucky not Cali." I said. "Is this so u don't have to meet his parents?" Kk asked. "No it's just a made a commitment in sports at school. Plus I can't work here forever it doesn't pay enough for me. So I need to finish my education." I said. "She actually has a point." Nash said. Cameron sighed. Obviously not liking the plan. Truth is. I've been thinking about this for a while now. The thing that held me back was the boys. I didn't want to leave them. But I'm so close to them now I could never lose them. So I finally had the guts to bring it up. So yeah I guess I'm leaving soon. We got on the plane.

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