1. On the different road

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"How much?" I asked the cab driver.

"Five hundred and seventy two." He answered, looking at the meter lazily.

"So much? But last time it was two hundred something right?"

"That was 3 years ago... Things have now changed madamji." He said with a dry smile. I nodded.

True af. Everything had changed in these three years. And that 'everything' probably included him too.. who knows!

"Hmm. Take it." I handed him the money and grumbled- "But this is unfair, you know. The distance from the station is too less for five seventy two rupees!!"

He didn't say anything in return, just faked a smile, turned the stearing and drove back in the opposite direction. A cold sigh escaped my lips as soon as he left. They say that Delhi is the city of people with 'dil' (hearts) and this was its example!!

Rude much?

"Coco, come." I said and held the elbow of my little munchkin, who by that time had got busy in pulling out the stickers from my trolley bag.

"Umm..." she cringed her nose being interrupted, but threw no tantrums as I picked her up in her arms. Infact, she settled there rather peacefully, making all my stars earn a humble thanks directly from my heart.

"Mommy, where are we going??" She asked, wrapping her tiny hands around my neck.

"Baby we are going to...." I stopped. Becoz I had to. I didn't know what to answer her. Likewise, I didn't know where were we actually going.

Infront of my eyes, was standing that house where I had entered somewhat eight years ago, holding Dev's hands. I was a mere patient then, a homeless girl with ugly marks on her face, fractured limbs and a lost memory. Dev gave me shelter. He gave me hope, a new life and the strength to make an identity of my own. Later on, he gave me his name, his love and probably the most precious gift ever- his baby.
He gave me so much. All his life... and you think that is so great of him? Nah. You are wrong. For the ones who give everything but snatch it away the next moment, they can be anything but great!

"Mommy..." Coco squealed in my arms to grab my attention.

"Sorry baby." I apologised for being such a lost case and muttered- "We are at the wrong address Coco...lets see what can we do."

"Wrong addresh?" She enquired in her baby voice. Ofcourse she couldn't decipher the word, let alone pronounce it properly.

"I will tell you later. Now let mommy find a cab for both us. Okay?"

She nodded obediently to this while I took a look at my wrist watch. It showed 10:34 p.m. Quite late to catch a cab for that matter. It was no Mumbai that I'd get a desirable transport in whatever hour I needed. Hence, the only option left with me was to book the cab online and I sprang to my phone immediately as soon as the idea hit my brain...not forgetting to curse the stupid traffic of Delhi that got me so late and ofcourse, cursed myself as well for not noticing what address did I give to the driver.

Relax Nitara. It happens...specially when you are still not over your past habits.

-But its fucking 3 years dude! I should have got over them by now!!

I tried to justify. Only if that was of any use. Helplessly, I sighed and checked my phone. The confirmation message just popped in. It read that the cab was going to arrive within another 45 minutes.

Another fucking 45 minutes!

Shhh...too much of swearing, Nitara.

-Can't help. Sorry. I need to spend almost half an hour here... that too with my baby! Isn't it enough torture already?

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