4. The worst encounter

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".....Adit has gone to the hospital directly." I said to his mom while she arranged my lunch on a huge platter.

"Couldn't you stop him? He should have taken a full day leave today!" She complained grumpily. I just laughed out.

"We got a proper appartment in the first hour itself. Thats why I asked him to cancel this unnecessary leave.... besides that, you know right how workaholic your son is!" I said. And I meant it. Had it been some 8 years ago, it would have been a pun intended. But right now, at this point of life, Adit's dedication towards his profession is just not questionable.

"Hmm.. he is following the steps of De...." an unusual pause followed that made me look at her and gulp. But thank god, she chose not to make it anymore awkward for me and changed the topic instead- "shall I get you the kheer?"

"Umm..no... I don't think I can finish this already." I muttered looking at my plate. "I'll have the kheer later on."

"Chilled kheer, right?"

Urghhh... why do these people know so much about me?
"Hmm." I pressed my lips and nodded sheepishly. Couldn't find a find better response though.

"You are a grown up woman Nitara! And you still eat so less.. just like your daughter... no, probably your daughter eats more than you!" She chuckled and I hurriedly gulped a half chewed morsel to shut myself from this embarrassment.
Embarrassed, not becoz she was comparing my food habits with that of my baby, but that whatever she was saying was thruth personified. I indeed ate less enough to gain myself a pair of deeply prominent collarbones and shoulder blades and an all symmetric flat tummy. Needless to say, my figure was turning towards skinny that I never wanted in this life, neither could help myself otherwise when I lacked the motivation to eat a little more than that I needed for survival.

"Coco didn't disturb you a lot I hope." I said clearing my throat, shaking away all my helpless, baseless thoughts.

"No no...she is a good baccha. Only that she gets happy disturbing you."

True af. Has got this gene from her father afterall- disturb me in private and appear naive infront of the rest of the world as if you don't know how to turn and eat a fried fish!
P.S- pardon me for this fishy joke, but this is a famous bengali proverb...  and yes, you heard that right.

"If Adit had cared to marry, he too would have been father to a lovely child today!" His mom probed absent mindedly.

"Adit is getting weird day-by-day."

"So do you..." she said immediately. I wanted to ask her back that when am I not weird, but remained silent and let her continue. "I mean, just look at yourself. You've got leaner than before.. got sunken pits around your eyes, lethargic skin and a jagged up face.... seems that you haven't slept for ages.. have you turned insomniac or what?"

Don't scrutinize me so much for heaven's sake!
"Its just the tiredness aunty. Nothing to worry about." I smiled meekly and she nodded in dismay. Typical mothers, I tell you.

"Incase you are tired, you should find ways to combat that tiredness.. and not just sit back at home and sulk!"

"Huh?" Now I was getting confused.

"Wait." She said as she left for the drawing room, with a dumbstruck me waiting behind.

When she returned to the table, she had a glossy envelope in her hands, looking at which my brows twitched in a small frown. The frown deepened further when she handed me the envelope, that too with a subtle, mysterious smile on her lips.

"What is this aunty?"

"Coupon for a Thai spa parlour.... I won this coupon last week in a stupid lottery game. Now that I am old enough for a spa treatment, I thought why don't I give this to you instead. Atleast you can make some use of it!!" She answered jovially.

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