9. Another tide

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I remained standing under the shower till I lost the track of time.

Dev had been there outside. He was calling out my name for a couple of times now but I didn't response. I was too tired to let him know that I was okay. Neither did I want to. It was nice watching him getting mentally tormented.

-"Tara.... look, I know that you needed this shower but it has been long yaar.. please come out now." He kept shouting. The fear in his voice doubled up with each word he uttered.

And so did my satisfaction.

Call it to be the weirdest revenge ever, but it actually worked wanders to my foggy mindset that even the ice cold waters failed to achieve.

-"You'll catch cold, Tara....please come out." More pleads followed.

Being a bit more reluctant, I walked upto the door and leaned against it. With my left ear pressed to the wooden ply, I heard a clearer version of Dev's voice. My breathes hitched immediately as the husky, temptational voice poured into my ears.

Damn! I cursed myself and tried to move away. Ended up tracing the door to feel his presence instead!!

-"Tara please listen to me... it has been an hour now. Please come out."

I wont deny, but his repeated pleads kinda crushed my heart. I felt bad. Like seriously... I mean he had no fault from his side right? He was just a human being and no god that he wasn't supposed to love anyone else other than his legally married wife!

Now if he was really behaving like a normal blood&flesh man then why the hell was I acting so immatured? Just for the sake of my love for him??

How stupid was that!!!

You had shown greater stupidity by quarelling with those people who intended nothing, except patching you up with your husband!
Mind reprimanded from the back.

And I face palmed myself.

I always knew that idiocy ran in body like blood, but I could never help from displaying it to the rest of the world. Huh... such a failure to this life!

-"Atleast reply something please?" Dev's voice pulled me back to reality.

Reality was harsh and a deep sigh escaped my lips as I tried to accept it. However, yet another reality hit me the next moment as I noticed that I had seriously been standing under the shower for a long time.....so long, that the ice cold waters had almost frozen me into a popsicle!

Turning the shower off, I discarded my damp clothes and quickly grabbed a towel from the nearby closet, with which I wipped myself dry. The next thing to do was putting on a comfy cloth around me and I proceeded towards that .....only to find out that I didn't bring any spare dress to the washroom.

Forget bringing, I hadn't even unpacked my luggages and was absolutely clueless of where my keys could possibly be!!

I felt like banging my head on the door. On the other side of this same door, Dev was still busy shouting out for me while I was busy gaping at nothing. I had no idea what to do. Maybe I could ask him to move out of the room for few minutes but I knew that was not going to help becoz he wouldn't leave until he discovered me safe and sound..... No, no.. don't mistake it to be his love. Its just that he was concerned about me since I was still his legal wife!... so yes, asking him to move out was not an option. Neither was I going to ask him find my keys and open my trolley bag to get me a nice dress from the kitty. I didn't want his help, let alone permitting him touch my personal belongings! As for the last remaining option- walking out of the washroom clad in a towel- was definitely the worst idea ever but I still decided to opt that.
Few hours ago Dev had done a similar thing. And if he could be so shameless about it then why should I be any better?!

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