16. Smitten

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With my body wrapped in his shirt and face, smitten with the early rays of the sun, I woke up in the coccoon of Dev's arms to find a beautiful morning lying ahead.

Only some countable mornings had been as beautiful as this. Yet, I was not in a state to enjoy the beauty. Forget enjoying, I couldn't even sit straight for two minutes and thats how I learnt how ugly a hangover can get!

A dreadening pain inside head.. head, which felt like a sac of potatoes and a constant hammering inside the meninges... I didn't know if I had a way to save myself from these devils. But then this was also true that if there was hangover then its remedy was bound to be there too.

And maybe that remedy was with Dev itself! I'm sure he had arranged something before he went to sleep.

I looked at the sleeping man beside me. His carefree, sleepy face held a translucent grin that defined peace in a new light... yes, that was it- he did look peaceful..so peaceful... just like the old days when I used to live with him.. when I used to fall in love with his smile almost everyday.. when I used to treasure his happiness as mine.. those old day talks, all of which were quite invalid right now. Becoz in today's date, I didn't feel love for him anymore. It was only hatred that came out of me... whenever I watched his beautiful face or whenever he held me so close to him!

Taking a deep breath, I released myself from his grips. He didn't move even an inch though. Probably he was tired. Handling a drunk person throughtout the night was taking a toll on him and he kept sleeping on his tummy like a dead man.

Last night, he had already done a lot for me. Not wanting any more of his favours now, I just spared one last look at him and went out of our room to head for the deck.



The fresh air outside, worked as a coolant for my dizzy brain.

I breathed in a lungful of that air and strode towards the table where Amaya and gang were chitchatting over their morning cappucino.

Adijay, being the first one of that gang to notice me come, greeted me gently with a soft smile lingering his otherwise rough lips.

"Hey! Good morning, Star!!"

"Good morning." I smiled at him back and asked slowly- "can I have a seat?"

"Is that even a question to ask!" Kshitiz rolled his eyes dramatically as he pulled a chair from the adjascent dining setup. "Sit" he gestured.

Well, it was almost inaudible and hence, was happily ignored by all.

"How are you feeling now?" Kshitiz spoke again.

"Amazing?" I chuckled slightly. And so did he.

"Amazing with that hangover of yours?"

"Ya, I meant....... fine. Just give the pill or whatever you want." I huffed to accept my defeat. It was like- why did I even try! I always knew that these verbal battles and all were not my things, especially when Dev was not my opponent on the other side!!

"Here." He handled me a tablet and a glass of juice that the waiter had served in the mean time.

"But I haven't brushed yet." Little embarrassed, I murmured with a tight smile.

"Doesn't matter." He shrugged his shoulders and offered me the glass again and this time, I couldn't refuse him anymore.

Hell, I seriously needed the medicine to stop the feeling that I was dying out of my headache!

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